Climate Change


Ocean heat is off the charts-Here’s what that means for humans and ecosystems around the world

Ocean temperatures have been off the charts since mid-March 2023, with the highest average levels in 40 years of satellite monitoring, and the impact is breaking through in disruptive ways around the world. The sea of Japan is more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) warmer than average. The Indian monsoon, closely tied to conditions in the warm Indian Ocean, has been well below its expected strength. Spain, France, England and the whole Scandinavian Peninsula are also seeing rainfall far below normal, likely connected to an extraordinary marine heat wave in the eastern North Atlantic. Sea surface temperatures there have been 1.8 to 5 F (1 to 3 C) above average from the coast of Africa all the way to Iceland. So, what’s going on?

Nuclear Threat


The Authoritarian


The American Authoritarian Mindset: Understanding Our Nation’s Path to Oppression

Authoritarianism is a mindset that is characterized by a strong belief in the power of authority and a tendency to support the status quo. This mindset is often seen in the United States, where it is deeply rooted in the nation's history and culture. It is a mindset that has been used to justify oppressive policies and practices, and it has been linked to a range of social and political issues. The post examines authoritarianism in the context of present political dilemma.



The Day After

This post critically reviews the presidential debate between Trump and Biden, highlighting Trump's lies and Biden's performance.

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