
President Biden and His Predecessor in Georgia

President Biden and His Predecessor in Georgia

On Saturday, March 9th, Joe Biden and his predecessor visited Georgia a few days before the March 12 primary. In Georgia, the media appears to treat President Biden and his predecessor as equals in the 2024 presidential race. But they are not—not by a long shot. The media is replicating how they covered the 2020 presidential race. This is a failure of the free press to discern the real difference between the Republican candidate and the Democratic candidate, who happens to be President of the United States. The Republican candidate sought to stay in office in 2020 by staging a coup on January 6th, 2021. He lost the election by 7 million votes and still to this day, claims the Big Lie that the other side stole the election from him. Millions of Americans believe this, also. This is the underlying context that the press forgets to mention. The predecessor spent for years while sitting in the White House chipping away at the guard rails of democracy. Thankfully he was an under achieving autocrat.



This post is about ageism and how we discriminate against people that are considered old. We need to look at the media and ask why they are making the case that Biden is not fit for office based on his age. Most of the people in the media, those that are writing the stories and reporting on various outlets, are much younger than either Trump or Biden. Could they be involved in a case of bias, discrimination, or bullying on the basis of age? This very well could be the case. Researchers call this ageism, patterned after sexism and racism.

Scoundrels, Weirdos, and Ne’er-Do-Wells on TX Ballot 2024

Scoundrels, Weirdos, and Ne’er-Do-Wells on TX Ballot 2024

I was intrigued by the subtitle of this article, and since I’ve spent a lot of time in Texas, I’m passing this article on to you. Scoundrels, Weirdos, and Ne’er-Do-Wells on TX Ballot 2024 by Forrest Wilder, an article in the Texas Monthly, February 8, 2024.

Georgia Republican Legislators Want to Ban American Library Association

Georgia Republican Legislators Want to Ban American Library Association

S.B. 390 is written to target libraries and librarians. Some Georgia Republican Senators believe the American Library Association (ALA) spreads Marxist ideology. Therefore, they want to ban the Association from the state and require all public libraries to disassociate from the ALA.

I don’t believe these senators. I don’t think they are telling the truth about their remarks about libraries in Georgia.

GA Senate Bill 390 is disingenuous. They are claiming the ALA is a Marxist organization without any evidence. In this post I provide evidence to refute their bill and suggest an action plan to overtake the bill.

The Godfather’s Sycophants Turn Out in New Hampshire

The Godfather’s Sycophants Turn Out in New Hampshire

Donald Trump is the godfather of American politics in 2024. I would align him with authoritarians such as Viktor Orbán of Hungary, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an of Turkey, and Vladimir Putin of Russia. He insists on complete loyalty. But he also dehumanizes others, even the people who support him. He embarrassed Ramaswamy and Scott last night before each was to speak. Scott professed his love for Trump in an unbelievable remark he made in front of the cameras: “I just love you.”

How to Run Against Donald Trump

How to Run Against Donald Trump

Two articles were written in the last two days leading to today’s New Hampshire primary election. I was impressed with each article and will share parts of each article below. They take on the issue of how Haley should have run against Trump in the New Hampshire primary.

Trump is an authoritarian who is following the same path as other autocratic leaders, from Mussolini to Putin. Haley must be willing to attest to the fact that Trump is an autocrat and racist, who has been charged in 4 indictments with 91 felonies, found guilty of business fraud in New York state, and found guilty of rape and sexual assault in a New York courtroom.

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