
A House Fable

A House Fable

Fable: [fey-buhl] 1. A short tale to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as characters, at times humans from the House. 2. A story not founded on fact. Fable—the members and a jordon In the political battleground of Washington D.C., a...

White Male Extremism

White Male Extremism

Dr. Ruth Ben-Ghiat is professor of history and Italian studies at New York University. I subscribe to her newsletter, Lucid and I want to share it with you. She describes Lucid as a newsletter for big-picture thinking about autocracy and threats to democracy worldwide.

Representative Greene: Be Careful What You Wish For

Representative Greene: Be Careful What You Wish For

Marjorie Taylor Greene should be very careful what she wishes for. She tweeted that red states should separate from blue states. Claims everyone is talking about. I show that she might consider moving since GA has drifted away from being a red state.

The Warnock-Walker US Senate Runoff—-Nevada Election Update

The Warnock-Walker US Senate Runoff—-Nevada Election Update

The Warnock-Walker runoff election is on December 6. In less than a month a decision will be made. The way votes are distributed in the state may determine the outcome. I provide some data for you to examine to help you think about the outcome.

Georgia’s Election Cast of Characters

Georgia’s Election Cast of Characters

Georgia has a cast of character’s whose names appear on the 2022 election ballot. I don’t know where to start with these characters. Instead, I’ll start with attempting to vote last week.

When it comes to protecting west Cobb, the choice is clear, don’t create a new city.

When it comes to protecting west Cobb, the choice is clear, don’t create a new city.

The Lost Mountain cityhood proposal is a power and land grab by a few citizens of west Cobb led by a few republican state house politicians and CEO’s and owners of businesses in west Cobb. There is no need for a new city. Misinformation and disparaging some elected officials is also part of their strategy. The vote is underway now, with Vote Day May 24. We should vote NO.

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