
Australia Discovers New Element: Governmentium (GV)

I received word from Roger Cross, a friend and colleague in science education in Australia that the heaviest element yet known to science, has been discovered. The new element is Governmentium (Gv). It has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198...

End Punitive Testing: Occupy the DOE in DC, March 30 – April 2

United OPT OUT NATIONAL is organizing an Occupy the Department of Education (DOE) in Washington, D.C. March 30 - April 2, 2012. Anthony Cody, on his blog Living in Dialog, interviewed two education activists who are part of the leadership spearheading the Occupy the...

Deja Vu: Panel Says Schools Put Economy & Security at Risk

Deja Vu In 1983, a panel of experts wrote the report: A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform.  In the report, the panel wrote: Our Nation is at risk. Our once unchallenged preeminence in commerce, industry, science, and technological innovation is...

Shameful and Degrading Evaluations of Teachers by Politicians

Teacher bashing has become a contact sport that is played out by many U.S. Governors.  The rules of the game are staked against teachers by using measures that have not been substantiated scientifically.  For many governors, and mayors it is fair play to release the...

Is There an Assault on Public Education and (Science) Teaching

There is an unrivaled assault on the teaching profession.  It  emerged and has sustained itself when education policy makers convinced themselves that public education should be based on standards driven accountability model, combined with high-stakes testing. The...

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