The first in a series of science education eBooks was published today. The title is Why Do We Teach Science? You can access the eBook at the link on the top menu, or follow this link. Why do we teach science? is the first of a series of science education eBooks that...
An email from a high school student resulted in my taking a final examination about science education. A student from a high school in Long Island wrote and asked if I would be willing to be interviewed for a book the student was writing about education. Here are the...
Can science as inquiry continue to be a primary goal of science teaching in the burgeoning culture of creating common standards, and common high-stakes assessments? This is a question that I raised about a year and half ago. I am returning to the question now since...
According to the committee that drafted and wrote the final edition of the Framework for K-12 Science Education, American science education needs a complete overhaul, currently lacks vision, and does not prepare students for a scientifically and technologically-based...
The standards devote insufficient attention to the need for an interdisciplinary curriculum, and represent a contracted view of the “common core” that disregards the role of schools in preparing students for citizenship. William G. Wraga, Professor, University of...
What do you want to see in a new framework for K-12 science education? According to the report published today at The National Academies Press, the Framework for K-12 Science Education outlines a broad set of expectations for students in science and engineering in...