Author: Jack Hassard

Trump’s Indictment. Why it matters.

Donald Trump’s indictment matters to the integrity of our legal system. The criminal indictment against Donald Trump is about his attempt to influence the outcome of the 2016 election by concealing information that would damage his bid for the presidency.

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Trump’s Indictment, Finally

On November 1, 2022, I wrote a post entitled “Will Trump be indicted after the midterms?” We finally have an answer to that question.

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Donald Trump’s Dangerousness

Donald Trump’s dangerousness becomes visible when we acknowledge that Trump and Trumpism are an assault on reality. Unfortunately, Trump has created a community of zealous believers, which you can witness anytime you view a video of one of his rallies. This cult includes members of Congress, including Marjorie Taylor Green, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, and many others.

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Guns and Mass Shootings

Most Americans believe that every person has the right to own arms, from a pistol to an AR-15 style rifle. Indeed, we lead the world in not only the number of guns per person, but the number of people who die from fire arms. Guns are entrenched in our society. A colossal evil that continues to grow with virtually no limits. And why? Because of the way that the Second Amendment is interpreted.

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Uncovering the Origin of COVID-19

The origin of COVID-19 has been a fundamental question: Was it from nature or a lab? In this post, I’ll be able to shed light on this question. A few days ago, Florence Debarre, a French evolutionary biologist, identified previously undisclosed genetic data from the Wuhan Seafood Market. Her discovery was shared immediately with Kristen Andersen, an evolutionary biologist at Scripps Research, who co-published one of the first research papers on the origin of COVID-19 in 2020. Together they believe these new findings support a natural source of the virus rather than from a lab.

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