Search Results for: authoritarianism

The Rise of Authoritarianism under Trump

Donald Trump’s first term as president saw a significant shift towards authoritarianism, bolstered by the appointment of three hand-picked justices to the Supreme Court. These appointments resulted in an ideological to the extreme right. On July 1st, 2024, the Court granted Trump immunity from various crimes. This page explores the profound impact of these developments on American democracy.

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Safeguarding Democracy: Preventing Authoritarianism in the United States

In recent years, concerns about the rise of authoritarianism have become more prominent globally and within the United States. This post is a call to action so that you can engage in meaningful action.

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Authoritarianism the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the cost of personal freedom, a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms, principle of blind...

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101 Years Ago, Germany Sought A Dictator: I Hope We are Not.

101 Years Ago, Germany Sought A Dictator: I Hope We Are Not. Germany had suffered the trauma of defeat in World War I. Significantly, there were plots to bring down German democracy. Donald Trump thinks he’s a “strongman.” He certainly utters some of the words used by dictators and strongmen. But Trump is not A strongman. He desperately wants to be. He is weak and old. Trump may be a weak strongman, but he is a dangerous wanna-be dictator. If he were elected, he would surely undermine and attempt to dismantle democratic guard rails. He’s a convicted felon and shouldn’t be president

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