When Trump sends you running for cover—Updated to Warn Tulsa Rally Attendees!

Written by Jack Hassard

On June 16, 2020

It seems like everyday is a day when Trump sends you running for cover. It’s an affirmation of the danger that this man has brought to everyone. He hasn’t made America great again. He and his sycophants have marched to a drummer (Live and Let Die) eroding the principles of the American democracy. And in the age of COVID-19, his inactions have led to more people dying in the United States than any other country on earth. This is one example when Trump sends you running for cover.

There are many. Here is the next event that will cause you to run for cover….Tulsa.

The Tulsa Rally

In Trump’s world, the coronavirus is not an impediment to risk the health of stoned people who will have their temperatures checked, and sign a release that they will not sue if they die from the virus. You’re kidding, you say. No, I’m not. Trump will storm into Tulsa to give a speech to nearly 20,000 people who will crowd into the BOK Center. However, Tulsa health officials and the Tulsa World newspaper “don’t know why he chose Tulsa, but we can’t see any way that his visit will be good for the city.” Not only is the rally a dangerous event, but both Trump and Pence have lied about the pandemic challenge that faces Tulsa. The city’s health care system will have to deal with any effects of the rally, where people will be spitting and rolling over each other. The pandemic has killed more than 115,000 people in the United States. Still Trump wants to put about 20,000 more at risk.

If you are going the rally, many of us suggest that you re-consider for the sake of your family and friends.

Equally offensive is Trump originally planned the rally for June 19th, which is Juneteenth Day. Juneteenth Day marks the end of slavery in 1865. I don’t believe it was a coincidence to have the rally on Juneteenth. But, Trump was forced to postpone it by one day because of the global protests against police violence and racism. Furthermore, Tulsa is where at least 300 people, mostly black died in the “Black Wall Street Community,” Tulsa Race Massacre in 1921. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) has invited Trump to visit the site of the Tulsa Race Massacre. However, Rep. Monro Nichols (D) who represents the area does not want Trump to step foot on the site of the massacre.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump

One of the books published about the President was The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, by Bandy Lee, M.D. Lee’s book is a collaboration with 35 psychiatrists and mental health experts.

Dr. Lee and her colleagues have been in the forefront of warning society of the profound dangers of such an impaired individual in power. They have warned of the inevitable rise of violence, fear, and suffering that would follow. And Trump has proved them right. Trump has blood on his hands, and the threats continue to mount.

Lee, Bandy X.. The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump . St. Martin’s Press. Kindle Edition.

If you read this book, you will not only run for cover, you will be determined to make sure that the man is not re-elected in November.

Clear and Present Danger

Trump and his administration are a clear and present danger to all of us. Although there are only 258 days left in his administration, he continues to endanger us now by his lack of leadership and knowledge about the pandemic. He has totally been inept in leading the U.S. during this pandemic. He was late recognizing the pandemic, using this time to spread lies about the virus. Now, he wants to forget that the virus exists, and sacrifice American lives. He is only interested in himself and getting re-elected.

Run for Cover

Here are some examples of actions, speeches, or lies when Trump makes you run for cover. These are only 12 examples of what makes Trump so dangerous to our society. Just a couple of days ago, Professor David Markowitz had an article published in Forbes, Trump Is Lying More Than Ever: Just Look At The Data. This year, he averaged 23.3 lies per day, slightly more than he lied in 2019. The links will take you to articles I have found on the Web that I think will provide you with further insights about Trump.


Trump is putting American at risk by his continuing reckless behavior, and the effects of his ignorance, and narcissism. I have no idea if he will be re-elected. To prevent this disaster from happening, we need to be smart, dedicated, and willing to join together, especially with the young activists who leading the national protest against police brutality and racism. We also need to help the fight against voter suppression by supporting Stacy Abrams Fair Fight group’s efforts to unearth and rid the suppression of voters.

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