The Last Presidential Debate

Written by Jack Hassard

On June 27, 2024

The Atlanta Debate, being held today in downtown Atlanta, will be one of the most watched events on nearly all media outlets. It may be the last presidential debate. The AJC published a six-page guide to the debate. The commercial debate, hosted by CNN, will foster thousands of watch parties. There will also be endless talking heads on ABC, CBS, CSPAN, ESPN, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, PBS, etc.

The First Debate

I have a history of presidential debates. I watched the first debate between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon. I was an undergraduate student at Bridgewater State College (Massachusetts). During my first two years at Bridgewater, I lived off campus with four other men at her home. We lived in the house of Mrs. Williams, a wonderful person who opened her home to students. We watched the debate on a small black-and-white TV screen in her living room. This was the first televised debate between opposing presidential candidates in American history.

Studio Set-up for the John Kennedy and Richard Nixon Debate, September 26, 1960
John Kennedy and Richard Nixon

The significance of the first televised presidential debate between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960 was that it was the first time in American history that opposing presidential candidates debated on television. ? This debate marked a shift in how political campaigns were conducted, as it introduced the visual element and allowed candidates to address the American people directly through television. ? The debate is often remembered for the stark contrast in appearance between the youthful and charismatic Kennedy and the more experienced but less visually appealing Nixon. Many believe that Kennedy’s performance in the televised debate played a crucial role in his victory in the 1960 presidential election.

We watched this historic national event sixty-four years ago. Little did I know that one of the men debating would be assassinated in 1963. And later, the other was forced to resign from his presidency in 1974.

The Last Presidential Debate

I’ll watch the debate with my wife on a large-screen Visio TV tonight. From our home in Marietta, Georgia, it’s only 25 miles to the debate.

Will this be the last presidential debate? Some of my colleagues and friends think it should be. It won’t be a debate simply because a major corporation is sponsoring this charade between a duly elected president of the United States and a convicted felon who was impeached in 2021 for inciting thousands of people to attack the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

Debates in our country have become a significant source of entertainment within the context of critical political realities. The debate in Atlanta has become a ‘shit show’ because of the outrageous pomp and circumstance and disregard for who Trump is and what his plans are for America if he returns to office.

Two men will appear on the TV screen. They both are younger than me. But having lived 84 years, I believe age is nothing more than a number. Unfortunately, many journalists writing about the 2024 presidential election want to make it a game. It’s not, even though the Atlanta Journal published a series of bingo boards to be used during the debate. Come on. And most of the press steer away from the real difference between the two men. I’ll describe these in this post.

At the debate, CNN journalists Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will join Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Images courtesy of Yahoo News

The two men are very different from each other. One is taller and more fit than the other. One has served as an elected senator, vice president, and president, totaling 50 years. He won every election by a wide margin. The other debater has run for president two times. He won the first but lost the second. However, unlike his opponent, he lost the popular vote in each election by 3 million and 7 million, respectively.

Joe Biden has been a winning and successful public servant for 50 years. Donald Trump has been a two-time loser. He tried to steal the 2020 election by inciting an attack on the US Capitol. He faces two indictments, one in Atlanta for racketeering and the other in Washington DC, for trying to overthrow the US government. He faces a third indictment in Florida for stealing classified documents.

January 6th attack on the Capitol. What role did you play in the attack on our Capitol, Mr. Trump?
James Chasley, the QAnon Shaman with horns and spear. Sentenced to to 41 months in prison. Are you going to pardon those who attacked the US Capitol, Mr. Trump?
Classified Documents held in storage at Trump’s Mar A Lago clothes closet.

The Trials of Donald Trump

Perhaps even more significant is that Trump has been found guilty in three separate trials. One was a bench trial; two were jury trials. He was accused by E.Jean Carroll of sexually assaulting and raping her in a dressing room of a store in NYC. The jury found him guilty in two trials and fined him $89 million. In another NY case he and two of his sons, and other employees of Trump’s businesses were charged with civil financial fraud. This was a bench trial in which the Judge Arthur F. Engoran assessed the evidence and ruled that Trump had to pay the State of New York, nearly a half a billion dollars.

The third trial, known as the “Hush Money” case, Trump was accused of trying to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. He payed off an adult film actress to keep her quiet about having sex with him. Instead of just paying her directly, he was found guilty of falsifying business records and charged with 34 felonies. He faces the Judge Juan Merchan on July 11 for sentencing The jurors said they unanimously agreed Trump falsified those business records to conceal a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. 

You can read about all of his trials here.

Far from a Real Debate

The main difference between the two debaters in terms of their beliefs is that one debater believes in protecting democracy and believes that citizens need to join him in this endeavor. In contrast, the other debater is described as an unhinged blowhard who is only interested in being a dictator and removing all vestiges of democracy, seeking revenge against anyone who opposed him. ?

This is not a legitimate presidential debate. It’s maddening. Standing in front of one podium is a man who is a cheat, a liar, a convicted felon. He was impeached twice—a record. Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigated him for two years for Russian election interference. Mueller concluded that Trump tried to interfere with the investigation, thereby abusing his power, and may have been involved with the Russian interference in the election.

Trump was investigated for most of his time in office. His final act was the January 6th coup. He has not been held responsible yet.

So, as I look at these debaters, I’ll see one who not only understands a nation based on democratic ideals. He also believes that citizens need to join him in protecting democracy. The other one is an unhinged blowhard. He is only interested in being a dictator, removing all vestiges of democracy, and seeking revenge against anyone who opposes him.

If you tune in to this debate, listen to what Donald Trump says about the future and his complete lack of acknowledgment of his past misdeeds, crimes, and lies. He will seek vengeance against all of us who have opposed him. He will carry out the plans for an ultra-conservative, white Christian national government outlined in Project 25.

This man is dangerous. CNN and all of the networks are complicit in giving him air time to debase the people who live in or are trying to enter the United States. All citizens must work to preserve democracy and prevent the United States from becoming an authoritarian country.


The main difference between the two debaters in terms of their beliefs is that one debater believes in protecting democracy and believes that citizens need to join him in this endeavor. In contrast, the other debater is described as an unhinged blowhard who is only interested in being a dictator and removing all vestiges of democracy, seeking revenge against anyone who opposed him. ?

  1. The Atlanta Debate, hosted by CNN, is a highly anticipated event that will be widely watched and discussed across various media outlets. ?
  2. I have a personal history with presidential debates, having watched the first televised debate between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960. ?
  3. The two debaters in the Atlanta Debate are described as very different, with one taller and more fit. ? One debater has a long history of winning elections, while the other has lost the popular vote in previous elections. ?
  4. Donald Trump, one of the debaters, is facing multiple indictments and has been found guilty in three separate trials, including charges of sexual assault, business financial fraud, and attempting to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. ?
  5. Trump is a cheat, liar, and convicted felon who has been impeached twice and attempted to interfere with investigations into Russian election interference. ?
  6. The main difference between the two debaters’ beliefs is that one debater believes in protecting democracy and urges citizens to join him. At the same time, the other is portrayed as seeking to be a dictator and removing democratic principles. ?

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  1. Jack Hassard

    I watched it. It wasn’t a debate. Trump lied all night and denied, denied, denied. He is good at lying and because of this people who watched and maybe had forgotten will get a refresher course. He denied he had anything to do with the attack on the Capitol and blamed the lack of action against invaders on Nancy Pelosi. Denied he even knew the porn star. Said that Biden was corrupt and blamed Biden for deaths due to COVID because they died in 2021. Trump’s chief science advisor said that most of the deaths could have been prevented if Trump had acted as his scientists had advised.

  2. Jack Hassard

    Trump got away with murder just has he did on January 6. President Biden seemed ill. His voice was not strong. But he got stronger as the night progressed. I like that he called out Trump and said he was a whiner

  3. Jack Hassard

    According to sources close to Biden, he has a cold. At first I thought it was painful to watch. Others have reported the same. But as night went on, I thought Biden stood his ground. You’ve got to keep in mind that the other guy is a serial liar. Ever time Trump spoke he lied and exaggerated. And the moderators just sat there. Although on one occasion Dana Bash tried to get Trump to say if he would accept the result of the election no matter who wins. Of course he won’t. The entire episode was painful. I really hope this is the last presidential debate. As someone said tonight if you haven’t made up your mind who to vote for, you’re a moron.


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