Project 2025

Written by Jack Hassard

On August 4, 2024

Unmasking the Threats of Project 2025

The Hidden Dangers of Heritage Foundation's Agenda

Discover the alarming initiatives proposed by Project 2025 that threaten our fundamental rights and public services. The link will open up the more than 900 pages of Project 25’s weirdness.

The NAACP has developed resources to help us understand the weirdness of  Project 25’s pose to all American citizens.  There are steps we can take to poke holes in the paper it is written on.

The Perils of Project 2025

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 is an 887-page multi-pronged initiative that includes a detailed blueprint for the next Republican president to usher in a sweeping ultraconservative overhaul of the executive branch. Trump denies knowing about Project 25, but his name is listed 243 times in the blueprint.  The blueprint was written for him to follow. Imagine a so-called conservative plan to be carried out by a rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon, racist, bigot, & misogynist.  

It aims to nearly eliminate abortion access on a national scale nearly, cutting off essential healthcare for millions. Additionally, the project proposes severe cuts to Social Security benefits, jeopardizing the financial stability of our elderly and disabled citizens.

Extensive tax breaks will benefit corporations and the ultra-wealthy, while public properties like national parks and wildlife sanctuaries risk being sold off.

Public broadcasting, a vital source of unbiased information, faces elimination, and a ‘biblically-based’ definition of marriage threatens to undermine the rights of many families.

Education is under attack with plans to eliminate the Department of Education, and LGBTQ+ couples could be barred from adopting children. Essential programs like food stamps and free school lunches are on the chopping block, and independent agencies could fall under direct political control, compromising their integrity.

The project also seeks to dismantle organic food promotion, conservation programs, and climate policies, endangering our environment and food security.

Take a Stand Against Project 2025

We must act now to protect our rights and public services from Project 2025’s dangerous proposals.

Some of the information in this post was retrieved from a post on Diane Ravitch’s blog. 

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