NAT GEO The Wild Mississippi

Written by Jack Hassard

On February 8, 2012

NAT GEO presents The Wild Mississippi, a three-part TV program on Sunday, February 12.  I viewed the three episodes today, and recommend that you tune in Sunday night at 8:00 P.M (Eastern) to view the first of the three episodes.  The second and third episodes follow at 9:00 P.M. and 10:00 P.M.  Check the schedule and details here.

Join the Wild Mississippi Blog Carnival here.

If you are teaching life science, high school biology, earth science, or an ecology or environmental science course, you will find these programs great resources for your students.  I viewed the shows on my 27″ Mac, and the imagery is gorgeous as we travel the river, and witness the wildlife, and power of the Mississippi from its beginning in Minnesota and to the Mississippi River Delta in the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Episode 1: Wild Mississippi: Deep Freeze
  • Episode 2: Wild Mississippi: Raging Waters
  • Episode 3: Delta Blues

Gibson, LA: Wide shot of the bayou from the bow of the boat. (Photo Credit: © NGC / Whitney Beer-Kerr)Thibodeaux, LA: Cameraman Jeff Wayman leaning over the front of the boat. (Photo Credit: © NGC / Whitney Beer-Kerr)

Thibodeaux, LA: Cameraman Jeff Wayman leaning over the front of the boat. (Photo Credit: © NGC / Whitney Beer-Kerr)

Here are links to two videos that will show you the impressive quality of the shows. According to NAT GEO, they explored the length of the Mississippi for an entire year, traveling the full length of the river (2350 miles).

The Mississippi is an amazing river, and every time we cross this river, we are awed at its majesty as it traverses the the continent.

Video 1: Fishing with alligator snappers
Video 2: Bobcat prey



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