
RBG’s Environmental Legacy

RBG’s Environmental Legacy

Ruth Bader Ginsburg established an environmental legacy second to none on the Supreme Court. I’ve explored her legacy by examining a few of her important environmental cases. It meant reading some of her opinions written on key environmental cases over the past 20 years.

How RBG Made the Earth A Better Place

How RBG Made the Earth A Better Place

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) had a profound affect on the world. Not only was she a Supreme Court Justice, but had attained the status of a “rock star.” Like John Lewis, Justice Ginsburg influenced our thinking about justice for all people. Each of these giants of American society believed in the rights for all people, regardless of race or gender. As a result, they did something about it. In this post, I want to explore how RBG affected environmental law. n particular, she was involved in hundreds of cases, and wrote the opinion—majority and dissenting—in many of them. Her case load is impressive. What might surprise you is that she had a lot to say about the environment. She was involved in some landmark cases affecting the Clean Air and the Clean Water Acts.

Climate Crisis Solution Today-A Film by Greta Thunberg & George Monbiot

Climate Crisis Solution Today-A Film by Greta Thunberg & George Monbiot

In this 3 minute remarkable film, two environmental activists, Greta Thunberg, a Swedish high school student, and George Monbiot, a journalist for The Guardian show how solutions to the climate crisis are right in front of us. The solution appears simple, but it must...

From Order to Chaos: The Attack on the EPA

From Order to Chaos: The Attack on the EPA The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970 under Richard Nixon's administration.  Now in 2017, it is likely that at least 25% of the agency will be dismantled by the Authoritarian's administration. This...

Climate Change: Are We In Trouble?

This is a reblog from the Moyers & Company website. It's an article written by John Light that I've reblogged here as a follow up the May 7th post entitled Extreme Earth: Coming to an Environment Near You. The National Climate Assessment Says We’re in Trouble....

Inspiration in the Rockies

  This is a view from the YMCA of the Rockies, which I first visited in August, 1975 to attend my first conference of the Association for Humanistic Psychology (AHP). Since then I've been here about 15 times. But it was my attendance at the (AHP) conference that...

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