It’s Time For All Georgians to Wear Face Masks

Written by Jack Hassard

On July 2, 2020

It’s time to put in place an order from the Governor of Georgia for all Georgians to wear a face covering in public. Only the mayor of Savannah has stepped-up to put a face mask order in place.

Face masks and social distancing are the only non-pharmaceutical methods to protect against COVID-19 while in public. The scientific research supports the use of masks. Even the governor of Georgia flew around the state wearing a mask and telling people they should wear a mask (if they they want). And that is the problem. It shouldn’t be optional. Even the governor of Texas—a redder state than Georgia—announced today that if you go out, you cover your face.

In mid-August or there about, nearly 400,000 students will return to Georgia’s colleges and universities. As of today, all 26 public institutions will offer on-campus classes, as well as on-line and/or hybrid versions of courses. Right now, masks are not required because the top-down management style of the University System of Georgia. Management decided not to require them. This is a colossal mistake. If I were still a professor at Georgia State University (GSU), I would require them for students visitIng me in my office, or in my classroom. (Disclaimer: I’m Emeritus Professor of Science Education at GSU).

Emory University published a study today that concluded that super spreaders of coronavirus may be responsible for 20% of coronavirus in the state They estimate that the infected children and younger adults (<60 years old) may be nearly 2.5 times more transmissible than infected elderly (>=60), and younger adults may be the main driver of super-spreading. This suggests we need to do more protecting everyone from the super spreaders. This raises serious questions about bringing younger adults together on college campuses and dorms.

Some Georgia high schools are planning graduation exercises this month in indoor venues with several thousand in attendance, not counting the graduates. Is this safe? And in August, about 1.7 million public school students will return to begin classes in the state’s public schools. Should students be required to wear face masks?

Should they be brought back at all, just when the virus is out of control?

Mr. Governor, It’s Time for Masks

It’s time. It’s time for everyone to don a mask in public and in setting where kids and adults are gathered. This needs to done by the end of the day on July 3rd, Governor Kemp.

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