Health Care Opposition Letter to Congressman Loudermilk, Georgia 11th District

Written by Jack Hassard

On May 8, 2017

Health Care Opposition Letter to Congressman Loudermilk, Georgia 11th District: 

Today I wrote to my Congressman, Barry Loudermilk, 11th District, Georgia to voice my opposition to his support for the American Health Care Act, which will decimate the health care for people with insurance through the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), and those who can access health care through Medicare.

May 8, 2017

Dear Congressman Loudermilk

I know I can not convince you to change your mind and your vote on American Health Care Act which will not only replace The Affordable Care Act created under President Obama’s administration, but in so doing bring much harm to millions of Americans.

So why would I take the time to write to you if I am convinced you won’t change your mind.

It’s because those with opposing views in your constituency should be heard, and I am willing to put my name on this letter indicating my opposition to what is happening in Washington under the Trump administration, of which you appear to support wholeheartedly.

The Health Care Act that you support could result in the following:

  1. The potential disappearance of essential health care benefits which exist now, especially for women
  2. Medicaid would be cut. I know you do want Medicaid expanded, nor does the Republican party of Georgia. For the life of me, why would you want to deny support the most vulnerable who live near us, old folks, like my self, but more importantly, the disabled. Medicaid should be expanded not contracted.
  3. You say pre-existing conditions won’t deny people coverage, but the truth is, these people are being segregated into a pool of “high risk” and insurance companies will be able to charge higher premiums. Having a pre-existing condition does not mean you have led a bad life, indeed, it could be the result of birth, genetics, or helping someone else by donating an organ.
  4. People will have to pay more, based on age. Tax credits, under your plan, will do a terrible disservice to sick and older people—very vulnerable people.
  5. Woman’s Health care—Your plan dehumanizes women, and doesn’t take into consideration how you and I, as men, are different than woman, and therefore don’t have pre-conditions that might cause harm to woman, and could increase their costs of health insurance. We usually don’t get raped, nor domestically abused, normally do not go through serious operations such as C-section, have postpartum depression, breast cancer, and eating disorders. Yet these might be considered pre-existing conditions and in your plan that is troubling because women will be segregated and considered higher risks to insurance companies.  Just what are you guys thinking?

I hope that you have read my letter. I would very much be willing to talk with you or a member of your staff.

Kind regards,

Jack Hassard
Emeritus Professor
Georgia State University

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