Space Science

NASA’s Earth-Sensing Satellites Getting Old

Satellites orbiting the earth have provided Earth Scientists will information that is used to study many parameters important to scientific investigation of Planet Earth. Paramters such as sea level, motions of the earth, glacial ice, and others are measured. In a...

NASA's Earth-Sensing Satellites Getting Old

Satellites orbiting the earth have provided Earth Scientists will information that is used to study many parameters important to scientific investigation of Planet Earth. Paramters such as sea level, motions of the earth, glacial ice, and others are measured. In a...

Wernher von Braun and the American Rocket Program

In the previous post I focused on Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov, the Chief Designer and brilliant engineer of the Soviet rocket program. In this post I want to talk about Wernher von Braun and his contribution to the American rocket and space program. My thinking is...

Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov—Russian Rocket Scientist

Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov, featured in D. Cadbury's new book, SpaceRace, was the man unknown to the west who built the rockets that put the first satellite into orbit, the first man in orbit about the earth, as well as several rockets to the moon. Who was Sergey...

Hubble Repair Mission

NASA adminstrators announced two days ago that they will design and carry out a daring mission in 2008 to repair and upgrade the Hubble Telescope which was launched 16 years ago. Two shuttles will be readied for the mission, one to be used if a rescue mission is...

Russian Space Web

In the process of reading SpaceRace, and searching the web for further resources and information, I came across Anatoly Zak's incredible website, Russian Space Web. According to Zak's site, "The mission of this site is to preserve and popularize the history of space...

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