Gas prices are down in the $2 range, and Thomas Friedman says that it leaves him with mixed feelings. In his bi-weekly New York Times column today, he reminded us that when gas prices went beyond $4, Americans changed a lot---drove less, polluted less, exercised...
Teaching and learning about Hurricanes has been a interest of mine for many years, beginning as an Earth science teacher in Lexington, Massachusetts, and then extending to the writing of textbooks for elementary and middle school students. In 2005, right after...
In his weblog, Andrew Revkin reported that the dual activity of Hurricanes Gustav and Hanna pose a double threat to the Southeast and to the Gulf Coast. As seen in this map, the hurricanes are close enough to each other to be considered a double system, perhaps like...
Yesterday, my wife and I attended the annual art in the park festival (Marietta Square)in which more than a 100 artists presented their work. It was crowded with people of all ages strolling through the park and bordering streets, looking at the art, and...
There was very interesting article in the NY Times online newspaper today entitled Long-Term Global Forecast? Fewer Continents. The article discussed plate tectonics, and the work being done by some geologist in using data to make predictions about the where the...
Huh? I was listening to a local radio show today, when I heard the show's host claim that rangers at the Grand Canyon National Park can not tell visitors the age of the Grand Canyon because it might offend creationists. And in the Canyon bookstore is a book for sale...