
Messing with Georgia’s Social Studies Curriculum

Messing with Georgia’s Social Studies Curriculum

According to the Governor of Georgia, now is the time to write a new social studies curriculum. Why now? Well, Mr. Deal has signed on to the Common Core, but rumblings from his own political party, especially the right-wing Tea Party have caused him to possibly...

Georgia’s High-Stakes Plan Based on Erroneous Conclusions

"High-stakes plan could change teachers pay," is the title of an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution paper. The article is a good review of the history behind why the state is going to move to "merit" pay, and how the Race to Top grant that Georgia won in 2010...

Is Georgia’s Race to the Top a Good Idea?

Is Georgia’s Race to the Top a Good Idea?

A report was published this week that ought to raise the eyebrows of a lot of Georgians.  The report is an analysis of the progress of the the U.S. Department of Education's signature program, the $4.5 billion Race to the Top Fund.  Georgia snagged nearly a...

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