
FY 2018 Budget: War or Peace

FY 2018 Budget: War or Peace

FY 2018 Budget: War and Peace Yesterday, I mistakenly used data submitted by the Trump administration in March for the FY 2018 Federal Budget.  I think I have the correct figures, and a link to the House Appropriations Committee which lists how much of the funding is...

The Radical Right’s Trojan Horse

Last night Ed Johnson suggested I listen to a podcast, Jennifer Berkshire interview Nancy MacLean, on the subject “The Long Crusade against Public Schools.”  I did, and thus is post.  You can click on the graphic and listen to it yourself.  It's well worth 30 minutes...

On Moral Politics

Originally posted on George Lakoff:  This is an important book by Dr. Lakoff. I highly recommend it. You will many articles in my blog that reference George Lakoff’s work, and in the age of The Authoritarian, it critical to share Lakoff’s views with many. George...

Jeb! Is Running: From What?

Latest Story Jeb! Is Running: From What? On this blog I wrote several articles about influence peddling and the role played by wealthy philanthropists such as Bill Gates, "former" politicians such as Jeb Bush, and reformists organization such as Achieve, The Fordham...

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