Progressive World-View

Babel from The Right: Truth, Justice, & Which Way

There are millions of people who deny the scientific truth that the Earth is 4.55 Billion years old.   They insist that it no more than 10,000 years old.  In poll of U.S. adults, 40% did not accept the theory of evolution as a valid explanation for the creation of...

Hip-Hop Culture & Science Teaching: Progressive Education in Action

I've written several posts on this blog about Professor Christopher Emdin, Professor of Science Education, Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. Dr. Emdin has worked for years in New York City schools with urban youth to help teachers change the way...

Why Education Must Be Public & Not Privatized

Education needs to be in the public domain, and citizens need to fight to make sure that the slow creep of privatization does not turn into an avalanche. The democratic values that are the centerpiece of our society have been under assault, especially with the rise of...

Will Progressive Education Be On the Post Election Reform Table?

Will Progressive Education Be On the Post Election Reform Table?  Many American's were thrilled with the re-election of Barack Obama.  I am one of them.  Yet, there are many who are concerned about the direction of education under a second term Obama administration....

In His Own Words: Obama’s Progressive World View of Education

Update:  I've added a section at the end of the post suggested by Anthony Cody who blogs over on Living in Dialog (Education Week Teacher).  The section includes a radical quote from Obama about his view of using high-stakes tests that will surprise you. President...

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