Charter Schools

No Federal Funds for Charter Schools Program

No Federal Funds for Charter Schools Program

The Federal Charter Schools Program should be called out and not funded. The Network for Public Education (NPE) is a major research and activist organization. It is dedicated to improving and strengthening public schools. In particular, they are leading the charge to...

Winners and Losers

Winners and Losers In his Op-Ed in the Nation, Henry A. Giroux links Donald Trump to the plague of atomization in a neoliberal age.  What was important to me, among other things in his Op-Ed was his reference to a 1946 essay by Leo Lowenthal, entitled...

Charter Schools: In Whose Interest?

An Art of Science Teaching Inquiry Charter schools are seen as a cure-all to raise test scores of American students. It kind of like a philosopher's stone, or a 19th century elixir, to serve as an antidote for the ills of traditional public schools. Many policymakers...

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