Assault on Science

Senator Rubio’s Ideas on Science: Should we be concerned?

Senator Rubio’s Ideas on Science: Should we be concerned?

I wrote this post in 2012, about Senator Rubio’s answer to question that’s interesting to consider 22 years later. Trump picked Senator Rubio as the Secretary of State. He might become a very good Secretary of State. I hope he is in terms of working with other nations to solve problems. Nonetheless, the post that follows explores the implications of the senator’s reply when asked about the age of the earth.

Science in the Age of Trump: Let’s Not Let it Happen Again!

Science in the Age of Trump: Let’s Not Let it Happen Again!

Science in the age of Trump was diminished at the peril of the health and well-being for not only people and other living things, but Earth itself, including its air, water, land, and other natural resources. Let’s not let it ever happen again. Trump must be defeated in November. Science was attacked hundreds of times during the Trump years, and the effects were detrimental not only to science, but to the very nature of democracy.

Liberal Democracy & Enviromental Protection

Liberal Democracy & Enviromental Protection

During Trump’s presidency, the EPA rolled back more than one hundred environmental regulations.238 The health of the nation was put in a crisis with hundreds of thousands of Americans dying of COVID-19. Extreme weather events were met with ignorance and mockery for the people affected. In this post I review how Trump and his administration diminished the work of the EPA and science departments in the Federal government. This is a warning that it will worsen if Trump gets in again. We have to fight like hell to prevent that from happening.

Did Trump Falsify U.S. Government Data?

Did Trump Falsify U.S. Government Data?

My question in this post is Did Donald Trump fabricate and falsify United States government data?  If an employee of the National Weather Service did what Trump did in this video, they would be investigated by The Office of Research Integrity (ORI). The ORI would...

Assault on Weather Forecasters

Assault on Weather Forecasters

Science was under assault last week by an un-educated President and his staff. They think they can supercede the findings of science. Even if the findings don’t agree with their personal and political views.    Hurricane Harvey inflicted its wrath on Houston and most...

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