Activity on this Blog—Past Two Months

Written by Jack Hassard

On August 25, 2006

Although I started this science teaching blog more than a year ago, it wasn’t until June 16, 2006 that I installed a page counter (site statistics) to give me an idea how many people were hitting the site, and what pages were hit more frequently than others. First, I was surprised that the site received as many hits as it did in the two months that I have been keeping stats.

Since June 16, 2006, there have been 12,122 hits to the Art of Teaching Science Blog. The graph below shows the top five pages.

Image: Distribution of Top Five Pages Hit from June 16 to August 22, 2006, Art of Teaching Science Blog: Key:
Red–Home page
Yellow–Science & Pedagogy Strategies
Green–Evolution back in Court in Georgia
Blue–A teacher’s guide to the Art of Teaching Science
Purple–2005 May Archive.

Here is a break-down of some of the top visited pages at the site.

Art of Teaching Science Homepage—1988
Science Pedagogy & Strategies—212
Evolution back in court in Georgia!–186
A Teacher’s Guide for The Art of Teaching Science—186
2005 May—175
Teaching Evolution: A Case Study of a Courageous Science Teacher—167
History & Philosophy of Science Education—156
Are you a Science Teacher?—139
Science and Religion—136
Are you a Professor or Staff Development Instructor?—124
Part Deux: No Child Left Behind “Needs Improvement”—116
Using the Phoniness of “Intelligent Design” to Improve Science Teaching—115
Judge Rules Against Intelligent Design in Dover, PA Case—106
Computers, Technology & Schools—104
State-Wide Testing, The Hoax of Tough Standards–It’s Time to Stop Testing—100
About The Art of Teaching Science—98
Evolution of Kansas—95
Glacial Retreat: Evidence of Global Warming—94
Evolution of Kansas?—94
The Curious Student and Learning Theories–88

Alhough I’ve written a good deal about science and religion, visitors did visit more of these pages than others. Until June 16, I had no data to tell me how many hits the site was receiving, or which pages were being viewed. I’ll update the data as time moves on. Thank you for visiting the site, and to those of who have left comments, a very big thank you.

I hope you will continue to visit the site.

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