
I’m Jack Hassard. Welcome to my blog


We live in a complicated world where many democratic institutions are under siege. As a result, truth and justice are underrated and challenged.

In the photo in Moscow in 1989, I am finalizing an agreement between Georgia State University and the Russian Academy of Education that led to years of collaboration resulting in the Global Thinking Project, an environmental science program linking schools worldwide. Hundreds of students, teachers, and researchers participated in exchanges and online cooperation.

I’ve spent most of my career as a “Citizen Diplomat,” traveling extensively through Russia and the world, creating courses, and exchanging democratic views on psychology, education, science, and other subjects needed for peaceful coexistence and to prevent war.

I’ve been blogging since 2005 at jackhassard.org. My blog writing served as the foundation for The Trump Files. The book is a vivid, real-time documentation of the nation’s turbulent Trump years, returning citizens to those troubling days of not-so-very-long-ago to help deal with the future.

In his review of The Trump Files on Barnes and Noble, Paul Hillery said: “As the cover of his new book, The Trump Files portends (shown in the right sidebar), we live in a world that has been turned on its head. Unfortunately, there are no alternate facts! Many books are out now on the Trump years, but this one comes from a practical and extensive wisdom that should not be missed.”

The Rise of Dictators: From Germany to America
In Volker Ullrich’s book, Germany 1923, he focuses on an “intoxicating time” in the year 1923. He points out that there were constant calls for a strongman. A savior was needed to lift Germany out of misery and desperation. This began after the collapse of...
ACLU’s Warning to Trump: Protecting Civil Liberties
I received this letter from the American Civil Liberties Union, addressed to Mr. Trump. As America’s anti-democratic turn imperils the free world, the ACLU will be a crucial defender. The letter tells Trump that if he targets immigrants, dissidents, and political...
A Letter from an American Citizen
Note: This is a copy of a letter. I sent it to colleagues and friends in Australia, England, Europe, Russia, and the United States. I am writing to apologize for what America has allowed to happen. Americans made a conscious...
The 100th Monkey and 3.5% Rule Explained
The 100th Monkey and The 3.5% Rule—What’s in common? Tomorrow’s post will compare these ideas. They will be applied to the protests that are emerging after a month long attack on American democracy.

Climate Threat

If we want our democracy to survive, we must vote democrat to hold the House and Senate.

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