Rights of Students Who Walk Out of School by Ed Johnson

Written by Jack Hassard

On February 24, 2018

This is an email that I received from Mr. Ed Johnson, Advocate for Quality in Education.  His letter, which was addressed to Atlanta Public School Leadership and others is followed by a letter from Vera Eidelman, ACLU Action which speaks to the issues of student’s rights—that is knowing them.

Ed Johnson’s Letter

Dear APSL and associated others,

Have any of your partners stepped up to support students in their planned walkouts and protests to push for change

You, of course, know about change à la your school transformation strategy and implementations and how such change can make some people fearful.  The difference now, with the students, however, is that change is emerging instead of being imposed.  Interestingly, emergent change can only be systemic change; imposed change may be, and often is, fragmented change.  Fragmentation destroys a system.  Thus the students offer a powerful lesson.

Have any of your partners offered, say, “safety orange” armbands students might ware?  Safety orange, of course, is the hunters’ color that signals “Don’t Shoot!”  Worn inside school, safety orange armbands would be non-disruptive to school functioning, I’m sure you will agree.

In any case, I can only imagine you will want students to learn what they need to know about their rights to walk out, to express related speech acts inside and outside school, and to decide for themselves consequences to face, willingly.

Accordingly, I can only imagine you will encourage the students, their parents, teachers, principals, and others, including, but not limited to, civil activists and advocates for public education to register for the ACLU Action Call described below.  You, yourselves, and APS Police leadership might also register for the call.

By the way, I recently became a card-carrying ACLU member and now anticipate making active use of that membership.

Ed Johnson

Advocate for Quality in Public Education

Atlanta GA | (404) 505-8176 | edwjohnson@aol.com

ACLU Letter

From: Vera Eidelman, ACLU Action [mailto:aclu@aclu.org]
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2018 2:56 PM
To: edwjohnson@aol.com
Subject: Walking out of school: what you need to know


Ed –

Students around the country are turning last week’s heartbreaking school shooting in Parkland, Florida into an inspiring push for change. In addition to grieving the lives of 17 classmates, students have met with the President, spoken their minds to Members of Congress, and taken to the streets and the internet. This is an incredible example of what people power looks like – what the First Amendment feels like in practice.

In the past few days, we’ve heard from students, parents, and teachers asking what students’ rights are – and whether schools can discipline students for speaking out.

Plans for coordinated student walkouts have been making national news and have already spurred disciplinary threats from some school administrators. That’s why we think it’s so important that everyone learns about their rights.

Join us on Thursday, March 1 at 8pm ET for a Students: Know Your Rights! Training
(This link will take you to our People Power website.)

You’ll hear from student leaders and members of the ACLU legal team, like me, on our constitutional right to free speech and expression, and what it means for students who want to speak out. We’ll also share some details on how to report any possible First Amendment violations so that our team can track what’s going on around the country.

We’re inspired by the leadership and courage that students across the country have shown in response to the tragic shooting at Stoneman High School.

Whether you’re a young person or a parent, teacher, school staff or ally, we hope you’ll join us to learn about students’ rights.

Students: Know Your Rights!
Thursday, March 1
8pm ET / 5pm PT

Register for the call.


Vera Eidelman
Brennan Fellow
ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project

P.S. Want some more information about student free speech? Check out this breakdown of school discipline and protest issues here.

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