What Experts Say About Trump’s Coronavirus Easter Plan

Written by Jack Hassard

On March 25, 2020

What do experts say about Trump’s Coronavirus Easter plan. For most of us, Trump’s idea of opening large swarths of the country for “business as usual,” is a preposterous idea. As Anthony Fauci said right after Trump made the claim, “you need to evaluate the feasibility of what you are trying to do. You have to think what kind of metrics, what kind of data are you going to look at. Obviously no one is going to want to tone down things, like in New York City.”

Coronavirus Clusters in the U.S.

Trump is pushing the idea of returning to what it was like in the U.S. in February. He must be blind to what has happened since then, and in denial about the current expansion of the virus in the country. There is a link between population density, and the metrics of the COVID-19 disease. If you look at Coronavirus COVID-15 Global Cases by the Center for System Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins, you can investigate how the virus has populated the world. It’s in clusters. If you go to this map, and expand it, you will see the clusters of infection. Even in states that appear to have just a few dots, one would take a risk to many people if we suddenly lifted the social distancing and isolation principals.

Covid-19 clusters of infection
Clusters of COVID-19 in the U.S. as of March 25, 2020. Source: Systems Science & Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

We also know that one person who is exposed, or has been infected, can easily infect many others. The evidence is that the infection spreads, especially in families, and closely associated groups. Social distancing and isolation are crucial to stop the spreading of the virus.

What Dr. Fauci Says

Dr. Tony Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx are the two scientists on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. They often appear on TV next to the moron President, who ignores their research and comments, putting millions of people at risk.

Here is a video clip of Dr. Fauci talking right after Trump made his ludicrous proposal to open the country on Easter (2020), or 18 days from now. Here is what Dr. Fauci had to say about Trump’s Coronavirus Easter plan.

After you watch the video clip, you want to follow up by visiting the COVID-19 Resource List.

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  1. Social Distancing: Lessons from the 1918 Flu Epidemic | The Art of Teaching Science - […] United State, up to a day or so ago, wanted to send people back to normal life on Easter…

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