Warnock Wins: The Headline I Thought I Would Read on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Written by Jack Hassard

On December 7, 2022

Warnock Wins! That’s the kind of headline I thought I might read on today’s AJC newspaper this morning. But I didn’t. For over a month, there has been nothing more important in the news other than the Warnock-Walker runoff election for a 6-year term in the U.S. Senate.

Instead, the headlines in today’s AJC and the Marietta Journal newspapers didn’t have a hint at the results of the election. Is this because these papers were rooting for Walker. I know that many editorialists at the MDJ favored Walker. As for the AJC, the reporting has generally been driven by the AJC’s belief in reporting equally on both sides of issues, and political campaigns. Although I don’t agree with giving equal time on issues that really don’t have two sides (evolution vs. intelligent design), I would have expected that the morning print editions would have had the election results in the form of a headline. The AJC, as I pointed out yesterday could have been biased in favor of a Walker win because of the resulting uproar, and stories that would emerge from him actually being elected.

Rafael Warnock was elected. Here is a man who has already demonstrated that he is an effective U.S. senator. Yet, with this being a significant election, they failed to grasp the moment.

Figure 1. Morning Editions of the AJC and MDJ: Where’s the Election Result

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