Trump’s Interference in Georgia Elections

Written by Jack Hassard

On May 6, 2022

You probably think I’m going to talk about Donald Trump’s election interference in 2020 presidential contest in Georgia. I’m not. I’ve written about it in detail in a new book coming in August 2020 entitled The Trump Files.

Instead, I want to tell you about what is going on in the 2022 elections in Georgia. The first set of races are the primaries which happen on May 24,2022. Early voting has begun and continues for two more weeks.

There are many key races for state and federal offices including governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, United State senate, 14 U.S. House of Representatives, and 236 state legislators. In Figure 1, I’ve identified some of Trump’s endorsements. In some cases, Trump is taking his revenge out on some Republicans who would not go along with Trump’s pathetic fable that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him.

SenatorHerschel Walker
GovernorDavid Purdue
Lieutenant GovernorBurt Jones
Insurance CommissionerPatrick Witt
HouseAndrew S. Clyde
HouseMarjorie Taylor Greene
HouseVernon Jones
Attorney GeneralJohn Gordon
Secretary of StateJody Hice
Figure 1. Some of Trump’s Endorsements in Georgia Primaries, May 24, 2024
Secretary of State

There are two candidates that are running for office in Georgia that Trump has singled out on his enemies list. The first is Brad Raffensperger, secretary of state, followed by Brian Kemp, governor. Politico reports that “Trump branded Raffensperger as an enemy for rebuffing his asks to overturn the results of the 2020 election and later endorsed a challenger in May’s GOP primary, costing Raffensperger support among a swath of Republicans.”(1). Trump has endorsed Raffensperger’s chief challenger, Jody Hice, a party loyalist, and Trump claims this guy with make sure Georgia has free and fair elections. Trump blames his loss of the Georgia presidential election on Raffensperger because he ignored Trump’s request (demand) that Raffensperger “find” the 11,781 that overturn the Georgia election.


The other election that is fierce is the Republican primary for Governor. Trump has put Gov. Brian Kemp on his enemies list, and has gone all out to support former senator David Purdue in the primary for the Republican candidacy for governor. Brian Kemp would not bend to Trump’s wish that the Georgia legislature be brought back into session in December 2020 to overturn the election and announce that Donald Trump was the winner. That didn’t work, and Trump has not forgotten. The winner of the Republican candidacy for governor will run against Democrat Stacy Abrams. One common feature of the Kemp and Purdue attack adds is that they are running to make sure that Abrams won’t become governor of Georgia.

Figure 2: Brad Raffensperger, GA secretary of state, Trump and Brian Kemp, GA governor. Trump is out to make sure these two Republicans do not return to office. At this time, Kemp is polling at 54% and Perdue at 38%. Raffensperger is polling at 29% in a field of five candidates, while Hice is at 26%. It should be noted that to win the primary with more than 2 candidates, the winner must get 50% plus one vote to win. It’s likely that there will be runoffs for these tow offices.

Trump has also endorsed Herschel Walker for U.S. senate in the Republican primary. Two nights ago, the Atlanta Press Group held a debate among the seven Republican candidates. I am not able to tell you what Walker said, because he was a no-show appearing only as an empty chair. Walker is leading in the polls, and if he wins, he will face Senator Rafael Warnock.

This race is close. Latest data shows Walker at +0.5, 47% – 46%. It will be important to see if Walker is willing to stand with Warnock at podiums leading up to the November election. So far, Walker has stayed hidden from the public, except for carefully controlled meetings with right-wing supporters. Warnock, on the other hand has been campaigning making public appearances throughout the state.

(1). Montellaro, Z. (n.d.). Georgia election official on Trump’s enemies list takes his case to Maga Media. POLITICO. Retrieved May 6, 2022, from

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