Trump’s Hard Right Toward Dictatorship: Revisited

Written by Jack Hassard

On January 20, 2019

Trump’s behavior over the current shut down is further evidence of his obsession with having total control over the United States government.  His two recent televised threats to the nation underscore his utter believe in himself  and utter contempt for democratic decision-making.   He shows absolutely no empathy for more than 800,000 Federal workers not being and many required to with no pay.  As a dictator wannabe, he spouts lie after lie, in this case about the wall, threatening all of us that if he doesn’t get $5.7 billion for the wall, he’ll punish the Federal workers, for months if not years.

I’m revisiting a post I wrote some time ago, prior Trump’s first meeting with his North Korean Dictator friend.  He’s invited this Dictator to the White House next month.  

Here is what I wrote:

The US Constitution has safeguards to prevent an American President’s desire to rule as a dictator.

Donald J. Trump wants to establish himself as the supreme head of State and to rule by authoritarian, despotic, and dictatorial means.

His actions, Tweets, body expressions and desire to become best friend with the dictator of North Korea, cosy up to his former campaign advisor, Vladimir Putin, and praise other world dictatorial heads of state confirm this despotic desire.

His administration governs by authoritarian principles. Executive directive is his principle tool. He uses these to carry out his campaign promise of “America First,” by exposing the racist attitudes of so many Americans who have very short memories.

The current Border Immigration Crisis has been manufactured by Trump. Using his racist intentions he uses lies to tell his base that these families will infest America. He wants them stopped at border, arrest them, and then with no due process, send them back to country from which they are fleeing.

Using claims that are not corroborated, he speaks to his base which is up to the tip of their noses with Trump’s horseshit.

For instance Trump claims that crime is up all along the southern border due directly to immigrant families fleeing Central America. US Government statistics show this not to be true, and indeed the rate of crime among immigrant communities is lower than communities of US citizens. More people in the US are killed by American right-wing groups espousing NAZI hate, & nationalist beliefs. And most of these killers are white men.

The fact that Trump has AJ Sessions sequestered and held prisoner to do his bidding is unscrupulous and dangerous.

The best way to prevent this is to support the Mueller investigation and for the democrats to take back the House and the Senate in the upcoming election.

It wont be easy, but it is possible.

The Dems took back the House but it has not affected Trump, except to make him worse.

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