Trumpism on Display at the Capitol

Written by Jack Hassard

On June 14, 2024

Even with 34 felony charges, guilty of rape and sexual assault, and liable for $500 million in a New York financial fraud case, the ex-president, who caused the January 6 insurrection, returned to the scene of the crime. He met with some elected Republicans, all of them cowards, perhaps culpable for collaborating with a criminal who faces three major indictments for theft of classified documents and cases in which he was the head of a racketeering enterprise in Washington DC and Georgia to overthrow the 2020 presidential election.

This was the scene that Trump returned to yesterday in DC. Except he met with elected Senators and Representatives. Outrageous, or as one of Nancy Pelosi’s children said, “Deranged Obsession.”

He didn’t enter the capitol building, although he claimed he would join the thousands that attacked it in 2021. The Senate & House members who were with him near the capitol were running and hiding from the Trump hordes that stormed the nation’s capital on January 6. Now, instead of running away from danger, they have opened their arms to the ex-convict who has brainwashed them. One senator even brought out a birthday cake for the 78-year-old felon.

What have we become as a nation when this ex-president, who is the epitome of a con man, can overtake an entire political party? Most of the Republicans who met with Trump were also there in 2021. What moral sense do they have to go along with a fraudster, liar, thief, and criminal conspirator who probably should be in jail?

Trumpism was on display at the Capitol

Elizabeth Graham, author of From Democracy to Democrazy, put it this way:

What we learned from his recent visit to Congress is that “he is not the only idiot in the room. ” Those Congressional men and women who welcomed Trump back to Congress are all solidly brainwashed – just like the Charles Manson cult who committed nine gruesome and hideous murders in 1979 in California or the Jim Jones cult members who all drank KoolAid laced with poison and they all died – just because their sacred leader said “drink.”

Here are the missing pieces of the puzzle. Putin went to East Germany and lived/worked there as secret service – a spy. He perfected his craft, practiced bribery, etc. and then returned to Russia. Trump went to Russia and was caught in a typical Russian spy trap using beautiful women and money. Trump returns to the U.S. and lo and behold he is using the same techniques used in Germany to brainwash an entire country. Hitler/Germany to Putin/Russia to Trump/USA.

Trump’s welcome back to Congress – where his gangsters destroyed the Congressional building, stole valuable artifacts, defecated on the floors, and terrorized members of Congress – was pretermitted. If you wish to know how these elected government officials could cease remembering January 6th, it is called BRAINWASHING.

Elizabeth Graham, From Democracy to Democrazy. Substact, June 14, 2024.

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