Donald Trump, President of the United States has caused a violent insurrection on the grounds of the capitol. It is a stunning scene. Protesters broke into Nancy Pelosi’s office and were photographed sitting at the Speakers chair. He left a note on a manila folder with the words, “we will not back down.”
Trump has refused to step in and put out a messages to telling the rioters to cease and go home. Instead he’s asked them to be peaceful.
Congress was about to certify the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States. On that day, Trump held a rally on Capitol grounds. He encouraged mobs of right-wing hate groups. These groups were in the large crowd. He urged them to make sure that we take back the country. For weeks, we knew that groups like the Proud Boys, and other hate groups would be in D.C. for the protest. They were coming to cause trouble and to stir others up. Other groups include Stop the Steal/Wild Protest, Women for America First, Eighty Percent Coalition, Operation Occupy the Capitol. The chatter on these right-wing groups has come to fruition today. Members of these groups are only interested in inciting and participating in violence.
Donald Trump’s words have stoked the flames of this violence, destructiveness, disorder, and turbulence.
What we are seeing live on TV and social media is the nightmare of an authoritarian. For years Trump has been a dictator wannabe. It’s not surprising that his term in office is ending with his hate-group followers storming the capitol.
Mike Pence can assemble on Zoom a least several cabinet secretaries and enact the 25th Amendment. The amendment states that if the President becomes incapable of doing his job, the Vice-President becomes the President. The amendment makes it clear. If the President is “incapable of discharging his Powers and Duties,” the Vice-President takes over. The President can’t do the things a President has to do.
But his behavior right now is outrageous and dangerous. In a video clip, he told the rioters just to go home. But he also repeated the unsubstantiated claim that he lost the election. This is the fuel that he pours on to these hate groups.