The first cases of the coronavirus were diagnosed in Wuhan, China on January 7, 2020. By January 19, the first case in the United States was diagnosed in Washington State. He was a male in his 30s who had just returned from Wuhan, China.
By the end of January, there were more than 11 thousand cases of COVID-19 in China, and 250 cases in other countries. By the end of February, China reported 79,300 cases, with an additional 6,800 cases in other countries. Numbers were also going up in the US.
During this period of time, nearly two months, Donald Trump did nothing to address the global spread of the disease. He said things like, “Well, we pretty much shut it down from coming in from China.” He added later in February, that I think the numbers are going to get progressively better. They did not.
Blaming and Ignoring the Virus
Then he started blaming his favorite enemy, the press. He blamed CNN and MSNBC for panicking Wall Street. He blamed the disease on Democrats for the open borders. And of course, he could leave out President Obama. He slowed down the testing kits. Also, not true.
It wasn’t until early March that he got off his ass, and began to realize the world has a real problem.
Trump has lied throughout his presidency. The coronavirus crisis did not change his worldview. He knows everything, he’s smarter than everyone, and what he says must be the truth. The problem with this nacissicist is that millions of people have been put at risk because of his hipocracy and inaction.
The TrumpCovid-19 Time Line
The timeline I’ve put together tracks the real world of the cornonavirus COVID-19 compared to the world of Donald Trump. The TrumpCovid-19 Time Line covers the period from January 7 – March 19.
I’ve highlighted a few important events in the Covid-19 world, as well as few unremarkable comments made by Trump.

The TrumpCovid-19 Timeline is a wordplay I have used to focus the increasing problem that the US faces. Trump likes to refer to the virus as the Chinese Virus. It isn’t. COVID-19 is name of the coronavirus disease that is caused by a virus that was first identified in Wuhan, China. The virus, named by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Trump probably doesn’t know the difference between a virus and the disease it causes.
However, he is stuck on calling it the Chinese Virus. In Trump’s world this is ok, even though its xenophobic, and is designed to push any responsibility for how he has dealt with the crisis back on the Chinese.
This is a huge and stupid mistake. The west can learn a lot about this disease by working directly with the Chinese and other Asian nations. Asian, and especially Chinese and Korean medical researchers, doctors, nurses and other front line workers can inform us about the disease. Not to reach out is immoral and I think criminal.