The Georgia Opportunity School District Slips Away from the Hands of Privatizers. This is a great victory of teachers and their students, and the integrity of local control of the education of youth.

Source: NY Times Election Watch, extracted 10/9/16
There were no professional educational organizations that were part of Nathan Deal’s plan to take “chronically failing” schools out of the able hands of local education school districts. Deal was and probably still is on the wrong side of education, and questions related to provide a system that promotes continuous improvement.
He now much congratulate the groups that supported the opposition, and reach out to the State Department of Education, and turn the improvement of education in the schools over to local districts who may use the DOE as a collaborative partner, and resource.
If Mr. Deal intends to carry out his threat to “watch” how local districts use funds, then he should be called out, and told to stick to the business of Governor. Much will happen as a result of this vote. What kind of Governor will emerge from his office over the next week, or will he turn his attention to bigger and perhaps more important issues such as running for higher office, joining the Clinton administration.