The Enigma of High-Stakes Testing in Science: A New eBook

Written by Jack Hassard

On November 11, 2011

The Art of Teaching Science has just published a new eBook entitled The Enigma of High-Stakes Testing in Science.

Cover page of the eBook "The Enigma of High-Stakes Testing in Science

The Enigma of High-Stakes Testing in Science is a new eBook published by the Art of Teaching Science Weblog, and made available free. This eBook is based on blog posts that were written over the past few months. The content of this eBook is based on the position that high-­stakes tests, which are used to make life-­changing decisions about students, teachers, and schools, should be banned from use as further research is carried out to design alternate systems that are humanistic and student-centered.

Research evidence is provided in 21 articles that are presented here, and organized into five parts. The intent is to provide information that others can use to raise questions about why we continue this practice of bringing such pressure to bear on the entire education system, and the collateral effects on science teaching.  As I show in the pages in eBook, there is little evidence that continuing to use high-­stakes testing will improve student achievement, or improve America’s economy.

The content is organized into the following parts:

Part 1. Is High-­Stakes Testing an Enigma?

Part 2. Are We Racing to Nowhere?

Part 3. Why Are We Centralizing Standards and Testing in America?

Part 4. What Are The Misconceptions About Achievement Testing?

Part 5. Who and What Was Responsible for the High-­Stakes Cheating Scandal in Atlanta?

Icon - Free Red

Click on the cover of this new eBook
or here to find out more details and how you can obtain a copy of the book for free. 

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