The Degradation of the EPA and the Threat to Scientific Reasoning

Written by Jack Hassard

On April 6, 2018

The Degradation of the EPA and the Threat to Scientific Reasoning

Although the EPA received an appropriation equal to its 2018 budget, the White House wanted to cut its budget by nearly 1/3, which would mean the dismantling of thousands of positions, and program that are important for environmental protection.

Deregulation Flood

The EPA has suffered greatly since the new administrator arrived (Scott Pruitt) and began to roll back many of the regulations that had been established over a period of decades.  These are part of war on environmental protections instigated by the White House.  The Environmental Integrity Project reported that a New York Times article identified a list of more than 60 environmental actions that are in the cross-hairs of the Administration, with 29 already overturned, 24 rollbacks in progress, and 9 in limbo.

One that stands out for me is revocation of Obama era flood standards.  This was done in August, before the onslaught of hurricanes hit and devastated the Caribbean, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.  Much of the flooding of homes in Texas by Hurricane Harvey happened in areas that needed to up re-zoned, and others that needed further protection.

But the White House and Pruitt seem to be in bed with industry and trade groups that have itched to roll back environmental protections.  You can see a full list here, and a brief discussion of each.

Although there is talk that Pruitt may be out at EPA, it won’t change the outrageous attitude and policies of the Administration that continue to wreak havoc not only on the EPA, but other agencies at the Federal level whose fundamental work is scientific research, as well as health and medicine.

Where are the Scientists and Advisors?

Another important problem contributing to the danger growing in Washington is the Administration’s incompetence at appointing women and men to important science positions in the Government.  It hasn’t even named a presidential science advisor.  Here is a chart from Catalyst, the magazine of the Union of Concerned Scientists Winter 2018 issue.  The chart compares the appointments made by the last three Administrations of Trump, Obama and Bush.

Funding Science

Although Congress rescued most science organizations in the Federal Government, it did it in an environment in which the White House proposed funding cuts to science that were outrageous.  In a previous post. I compared funding in science to the appropriations the Defense Department got for FY 2019.  The difference is shameful.

To give you an idea of how Trump and his White House cronies wanted to decimate the Federal Government, I prepared the followed chart based on what the White House proposed, and what Congress allocated for each department.  Note that Congress ignored Trump’s requests, and instead funded most departments at higher levels.

However, there is a concerted effort by the White House to interfere with, and create instability in the world of research.  Trump’s cabinet represents the most un-intellectual group of people assembled by a president in my memory (78 years).

March for Science–The Glimmer of Hope

Last year more than one million people around the world participated in the largest science-related event in history.  Today, survey results were published as: March for Science 2017: A Survey of Participants and Followers (available free at this link).  Key findings of the survey included these results:

  • A majority (61%) felt that, in their country, conditions for scientists are headed in the wrong direction. Respondents in the United States assigned most blame for this to Republicans in Congress (93% said they deserve “all” or “a lot” of the blame) and Donald Trump (90% said “all” or “a lot”).
  • The most common concerns expressed by participants in the United States were: the current Congress and administration would make harmful reductions in the use of scientific evidence in government decision-making (91%); cuts in government funding for research (90%); and reductions in access to government data for scientific research (81%).
  • Participants expressed many goals that they held for the March for Science. The two most commonly cited goals were “increasing evidence based input policy making” (89% selected this as a goal, and 38% selected it as their most important goal), and “sustaining public funding of science” (88% and 20%, respectively).
  • Despite these aspirations, only about half of participants thought the march would be at least moderately effective at increasing evidence based input policy making (46%), and at sustaining public funding for science (52%).

On April 14, 2018, the 2nd March for Science will be held around the world.  More than 200 events have been planned around the world as shown on the map below.

The assault on science, and reasoning will only be changed by public protests like this one, and what citizens do in the ballot boxes in the 2018 election, and future state, local, and Federal elections.

There is some light in the tunnel of darkness that has assumed control in Washington.

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