The Dangerousness of Donald Trump

Written by Jack Hassard

On July 7, 2024

In Chapter 2 of my book, The Trump Files, I expressed my concern and criticism about Donald Trump’s 2016 election. The chapter focuses on issues such as his dangerousness, controversial beliefs and actions, and the potential negative impact of his administration on various aspects of society. Eight years later, we are in front of a more dangerous Donald Trump. He has a cult of millions of Americans and the ultra-dangerous document called Project 25. Project 25 was created by The Heritage Foundation. Its purpose is to reform the US federal government to support Trumpism. In short, Project 2025 is an extreme right-wing agenda. It will roll back civil rights, gut civil service staff of the federal government, and pack the government with Trump loyalists.

Let’s look at a dangerous Trump blueprint for governing.

Blueprint to Trump’s Danger to America

  1. Trump’s dangerousness is evident in his assault on reality. And the creation of a community of zealous believers at his rallies. ? He appointed individuals to his cabinet who were opposed to the work of their respective agencies, and his falsehoods have become government policy. Now, after being convicted of 34 felonies, liable for sexual assault and rape, and liable for nearly half a billion dollars for financial fraud in New York, he is the Republican Party’s candidate for the 2024 presidency.
  2. Due to inexperience, corruption, and autocratic tendencies, the first incoming Trump administration was seen as a clear and present danger. The administration also denied research-based policies for science, health, the environment, and education. Trump endangered U.S. citizens by ignoring the severity of COVID-19, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. I created a Trump–COVID-19 timeline covering the period up to March 19, 2020. I’ve extended the timeline to Trump’s last day in office to complete the timeline. You can view the COVID-19 timeline in Part V of The Trump Files.
  3. Trump’s lack of preparation and knowledge about national security was a continuing concern. He turned away intelligence briefings. He claimed to know more about defeating ISIS than US Army generals. Experts were worried about his ability to handle security issues. He was ranked by political science experts as one of the five worst presidents. ?His first term was a training exercise. Now, if elected, he will ignore current diplomatic norms and install only loyalists who will not protect the nation from a fascist like Trump.
  4. Trump and his administration showed little respect for public education, appointing Betsy DeVos as secretary of education. DeVos was a proponent of vouchers and charter schools, which are seen as a threat and have raised concerns about accountability and transparency. In 2024, Republican legislatures nationwide passed voucher plans enabling wealthy parents to use public education funds to send their children to private schools. The children are often already in private school, and the voucher is a bonus. Diane Ravitch has written extensively on her blog about the negative impact of voucher plans on America’s public education system.
  5. Trump’s denial of climate change and alignment with lawmakers who deny climate change science are major concerns. Climate change is an existential threat, and his refusal to take action and listen to scientific research puts the country and the world at risk. ?The Trump administration’s denial of climate change was one of its most egregious failures to protect citizens and the earth. Trump can be trusted to continue the work that the Biden administration has done to make climate change a priority.

Joe Biden is the democratic nominee for the presidency, and it should stay that way. Democrats need to come together and support him and VP Harris. They should highlight the following behaviors of Trump’s and go on to a victory in November.

Trump’s behavior disregards the norms of US democracy?

  1. Attacking the media: Trump consistently attacked the press, labeling them as “fake news” and the “enemy of the people.” This rhetoric undermines the freedom of the press, a fundamental pillar of democracy, and seeks to delegitimize critical journalism.
  2. Undermining the rule of law: Trump repeatedly undermined the independence of the judiciary by criticizing judges and their decisions, notably when they ruled against his policies. This challenges the principle of separation of powers and the checks and balances system crucial for a functioning democracy.
  3. The Supreme Court has put Trump above the law in Trump v. United States (2024), which was vacated and remanded on July 1, 2024. The Court ruled that a former president has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. He is also entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts; there is no immunity for unofficial acts.
  4. Disregarding ethical standards: Trump’s administration was marred by numerous ethical controversies, including conflicts of interest, nepotism, and violations of the emoluments clause. His refusal to divest from his business interests and his hiring of family members for key positions demonstrated a disregard for ethical norms and raised concerns about corruption.
  5. Abusing executive power: Trump frequently used executive orders and unilateral actions to bypass Congress and push through his policy agenda. This circumvention of the legislative process undermines the democratic principle of checks and balances and concentrates power in the executive branch.
  6. Discrediting election integrity: Trump’s repeated false claims of widespread voter fraud and his refusal to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election undermined public trust in the electoral process. This baseless rhetoric erodes the foundation of democracy, which relies on free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power. The Big Lie resulted in the storming of the Capitol by Trump loyalists on January 6.

Call to Action

We need to vote in November and make sure that Donald Trump and his cult do not come close to the White House. To do so will result in an American fascist becoming the head of the U.S. government. We can never let that happen. My friend and colleague Dr. Kip Ault wrote to me in an email that the focus in the election must be on Trump as the neo-fascist, racist, misogynist, willfully ignorant, sociopathic, narcissistic,  criminal fraudster, and sexual abuser who has conned 40% of the country. If we focus on these truths, then we can prevent the most dangerous person to enter politics from winning ever again.

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