The Dangerousness of Donald Trump

Written by Jack Hassard

On January 7, 2021

Donald Trump is the most dangerous person in the United States right now. And he’s the President. The insurrection that erupted yesterday in our nation’s capitol was planned and resulted in the sacking of the U.S. Capitol Building. Donald Trump planned the rally for January 6 for at least a month. He sent out twitter messages announcing the rally would be held on the grounds of the Capitol. A large stage with speakers blasting music followed by one rattlesnake after another told the mob that this was the day. This is the day to march on the Capitol and take back what is theirs.. Prior to the day of the violent attack, at least a half-dozen right-wing hate groups messaged each other on Twitter and Facebook and other social media sites planning and encouraging each other to bring violence to Washington, and to storm the Capitol. I am not making this up.

What shocked me was that this chatter was visible for all to see. Why didn’t the F.B.I. use its domestic terrorist information technologies to be on high alert for domestic violent extremist groups that might be talking about what they would be doing at Trump’s rally. We’ve known who would be coming. These hate-groups had to apply to receive a permit to organize a rally. The F.B.I. knows who these groups are and identifies them as “domestic extremest ideologies.” They must have known that anarchist, militia and white supremacy hate-groups would be coming to Washington for Trump’s rally. These groups used the lead time to prepare and make plans to attend. They came to listen to Trump and his sycophants give them the orders to do their dirty work.

Trump’s dangerousness isn’t new. We’ve known and seen him in action. Since he lost the election to Joe Biden, he’s been on a tirade to go after everyone that he considers an enemy. He’s so dangerous now that many are calling for an impeachment or the enactment of the 25th Amendment. Carl Bernstein says that Trump needs to be isolated and restrained from being able to carry out or give orders. He needs to straight-jacketed. Until he removed, we are in danger.

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