Space Shuttle Discovery Launched!

Written by Jack Hassard

On March 15, 2009

I am watching the countdown of STS 119, the October 15, 2009 launch of the Space Shuttle, Discovery. I started this post at T minus 6 minutes and counting, and continued watching until Discovery reached orbit.  It’s always amazing whenever we launch the Space Shuttle. I remember watching the landing (from TV) of the first Space Shuttle in the 1970s, and in the early 1980s I made a trip to Florida to watch for myself one of these tremendous events. The sound that you hear, and the vibrations that you feel in your body are like no other to experience.

STS at T minus 2 minutes

STS at T minus 2 minutes

The launch, at 7:43 P.M. Eastern Time was successful, and beautiful.  Discovery will deliver the final set of solar arrays to the International Space Station

Powerful engines of the Space Shuttle

Powerful engines of the Space Shuttle

Power at liftoff

Power at liftoff


The astronauts on Discovery are heading toward the International Space Station, and now that they are in orbit.  On Day 3 of the mission Discovery will dock with the International Space Station.  Go to this link for an interactive time line of the 13 day mission. 



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