Snow Day in the USA

Written by Jack Hassard

On February 12, 2010

According to one report, 49 of the 50 U.S. states reported snow on the ground today.

Map of the USA showing extent and range of snowfall

Only Hawaii had no snow. Here in the Atlanta area, the massive storm that left Dallas under nearly a foot of snow (a record), the snow started falling around 1 P.M., and had been reduced to flurries by 8:00 P.M. But with temperatures dropping into the low 20’s tonight, we expect icy roads tomorrow.  The storm was the one that originated in Texas, and brought snow to all of the Southeastern states by yesterday.  The storm has tracked out to sea.  Take a look at the CapitalClimate map showing this February storm.  

Does all of this snow, not just in the southeast, but especially in the mid-Atlantic states mean that global warming is over.  You’d believe that if you listen to the Global Warming deniers such as the Senator from Oklahoma, and some talk show hosts.  Global Warming speaks to the issue of climate change, and climate is the long term trend of weather, and the evidence is that the planet Earth is warming.  Look around, and you’ll see evidence for this: earlier Springs, melting ice, higher sea level and others.  Actually, Climate scientists predicted more ferocious storms because of global warming.  Higher temperatures—->more evaporation—>greater amount of water vapor in the atmosphere—>increased levels of precipitation—>big snow storms.  Follow this link to find out the position on climate change of the American Meteorological Society.

Snow scenes in Marietta, Georgia.   Here is a video and some pictures from Marietta taken yesterday and this morning after the February 12 Texas size snow storm.

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