There isn’t anything that I want for the holidays, except one thing. I’d like you to read the rest of this post which is about about resident #45 and his sycophants. He spreads lies and conspiracy theories undermining reason and the rule of law.
When you get to end, please let me how what you would do about the person who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500. In this post, I refer to the occupant Of 1600 as resident #45. He is also known as Donald Trump.
About Resident #45
The person who lives at 1600 is resident #45. He’s the current President of the United StatFor the last three years the nation has been split asunder by the actions of this despicable man. There is more hate and meanness coming out of the mouth of this resident, which has trickled down to the masses. He is a clear and present danger.
According to Politifact, a website I refer to quite often, resident #45 has made 13,435 false or misleading statements in the last 993 days. That’s more than 13 lies per day.
13,435 Lies in 993 Days
Harming Immigrant Families
He’s also caused harm to thousands of immigrant children. All of these children were escaping violence in Central America. Many traveled more than 2,000 miles with only the clothes on their backs. They and their parents were seeking a new life in the US.
According to United States immigration law, 90% or more were eligible to seek asylum in the United States. Instead they were separated from their parents. They were bused away and put in wired cages some where in the US. Their parents were either incarcerated, sent back, or released into the the US, not knowing where their children were.
I’ve seen photos of children in cages, running away from tear gas bombs lobbed into their midsts, and more horrors. I painted a scene showing children being marched, single file, into a camp, separated from their mothers and fathers. Is this the way children and their families should be treated?

There is a guy who works at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave who’ll I will identify as by the initials SM. Many have reported he is a racist and white nationalist. He speaks into #45’s ears. Some refer to him as the “chief whisperer.” He’s behind many of the harmful and racist actions that #45 has inflicted on our country.
Unfortunately, #45’s administration is populated with people who do not question anything he says and does. They are sycophants—persons who act obsequisouly to gain attention. And there are too many elected US Representatives and Senators who vocally support him, when, perhaps deep down, they despair. However, I don’t have much hope that they will stand up to him.
Abusing the Power of the Presidency—The Phone Call
Last summer #45 made a phone call to the president of Ukraine. Presidents call leaders of other nations as part of the job. It’s important, don’t you think?
However, what do think of a president using his office to ask the leader of another country to do him a favor. In most instances, this would be normal.
But this wasn’t a normal phone call.
The president of Ukraine was in desperate need of promised American military aide. They were at war with Russia on its eastern front. The new Ukrainian President also wanted an invitation to the Oval Office.
Then, Resident #45 explained that he would like Ukraine to do him a favor in exchange for the military aid and a visit to see him.
Resident #45 asked for several favors. These were personal favors to himself. He said to the Ukrainian President:
- I would like you investigate the Bidens, Joe, and his son, Hunter. We think there is corruption here. Gas company. Board of directors. How did he get on the board. Because of his VP father?
- I believe your corrupt predecessor was behind the DNC hacking. They broke into their server, stole emails and other documents. A company called CrowdStrike was hired to find how and who hacked them. CrowdStrike took the server. We’ve heard the server is somewhere in Ukraine. An oligarch is invoked. The head of CrowdStrike is Ukrainian. I’d like to get hold of that server. I need your help. Launch a search and investigation.
Truth vs Conspiracy Theories
Neither claim is true. The Bidens have not been involved in any corrupt activities in Ukraine.
CloudStrike is a California network security company. It’s not owned by a Ukrainian oligarch. It‘s VP is an American citizen whose family escaped from The Soviet Union when he was a teen. The company was hired by the DNC to examine the servers that were hacked by the Russians prior to the 2016 election. They never possessed the servers. In fact they used screen shots to forensically examine the computers. They didn’t take the servers to Ukraine. They never touched them. They did, however turn the results of their investigation over to the FBI.
What do you think?
I haven’t touched the surface here. What would you suggest we do about him?