Our Visit to The Bookworm, a Local Independent Bookstore

Written by Jack Hassard

On February 18, 2023

The Bookworm is an independent bookstore in Powder Springs, Georgia. It’s about 10 miles from my home in Marietta. I am on a campaign to publicize my new book The Trump Files. My goal is to visit bookstores within a 20 mile radius from home.

We arrived at The Bookworm around 1:30 P.M. on Saturday, February 18. It’s a beautiful building, and according to their website it holds more than 30,000 books. It’s owned by Julia Davis, an entrepreneur, children’s book author and blogger.

It was a beautiful day, and after we searched for a parking space, we made a short walk to the bookstore which is located in historic Powder Springs, Georgia.

When we entered the bookstore we were greeted by two very friendly staff. I asked one of the staff where the section on current events and politics was located. She pointed me to an area just a few feet away.

I looked through the books, and returned to the front counter. I told her I was a local author and pulled out a copy of my new book, The Trump Files. She was very gracious, and I told her it was a gift to the shop.

When I asked her about how to have the book considered for sale at the bookstore, she pointed me to the bookstore’s website. There was a section for local authors, and she said to follow the instructions to submit my book.

After reading how to submit my book, I read that a walk-in is a no-no. In my letter of submission, which I emailed about an hour ago, I apologized for leaving a book.

Author Signings?

A large sign over the front door of the store announced that authors would be in the store today. When I asked about it, they said that there is an author in the store. There she is.

I went over to shake hands and introduce myself to Kaia Alderson. I asked her about her book that she was promoting. She pointed me to her book, Sisters in Arms, “a novel of the daring Black women who served during World War II.” I pulled it off the shelf, and said I’d like to buy it. She asked if I would like it signed, and of course I said yes.

Kaia Alderson: Author of Sisters in Arms

Kaia Alderson’s bio indicates that she is a women’s historical fiction author with a passion for discovering “hidden figures” in African American women’s history. Mary-Alice and I had a wonderful conversation with Kaia and shared our mutual interests and experiences. Here are some images of Kaia Alderson and her book, Sister in Arms.

Front cover of Sisters in Arms
Post Card with Sisters in Arms Pin
Biography of Kaia Alderson

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