No Federal Funds for Charter Schools Program

Written by Jack Hassard

On February 26, 2020

The Federal Charter Schools Program should be called out and not funded. The Network for Public Education (NPE) is a major research and activist organization. It is dedicated to improving and strengthening public schools. In particular, they are leading the charge to fight Betsy DeVos’ budget for the Charter Schools Program.

The NPE recently published a research article that unearthed how the CSP is a sham, and replete with fraud and waste. The article, “Still Asleep at the Wheel,” is an important document. In short, it provides evidence that this Federal program should NOT be funded. You might consider how charter schools unleash false claims with lots of money.

I wrote a letter for the Action Network letter campaign: EMERGENCY: De Vos Budget Tomorrow. Tell Congress, “No funding for the CSP. Fund our neediest students instead.” .

Tomorrow, February 27, Betsy DeVos defends her budget. Tell your Representative to NOT restore funding for this Federal program. One billion dollars of waste given to charter school entrepreneurs is enough. Give the funds to the neediest students instead. SEND THIS EMAIL NOW!

Can you join me and write a letter? Click here:

Image by JohannaIris from Pixabay

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