New Design for Art of Teaching Science

Written by Jack Hassard

On July 29, 2013

Welcome to the new and revised design for The Art of Teaching weblog. I’ve changed the title to The Art of Teaching followed by the subtitle: Progressive Science Education.

Since 2005, when I started writing this blog, I have used WordPress as the publishing platform.  To design the blog, I am using software from Copyblogger Media, called Studiopress, which has available lots of WordPress themes to design websites.  Studiopress is based on the Genesis Framework, and I’ve also chosen to two other programs from Copyblogger, Scribe and Premise.  Scribe is a content analysis SEO program that I’ve used for several years, and Premise is a powerful tool that enables writers to create landing pages for your website.

The Art of Teaching Science Website using the Copyblogger Theme on the Genesis Framework.

The Art of Teaching Science Website using the Copyblogger Theme on the Genesis Framework.

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