The new Congress assembled today in DC, and the Republicans already showed their devious hand meeting in secret to dump the Office of Congressional Ethics. But if you think about it, their meeting could be construed as unethical, and I don’t know how they can assemble as a very large group of elected officials without some form of sunshine. The don’t want to cast light on their shenanigans. They don’t want to “let the sunshine in.”
Please note: They didn’t really vote not to dump the Office of Ethics, earlier today. No, they simply said that they would come back to it at a later time. Seems like they are afraid of what others say, especially the Authoritarian, who takes office soon.
And over in the Senate, they are laying the ground work to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, meaning that more than 20 million Americans will lose their health care, or not know what to expect from these cowards in DC.
As I have said earlier on this blog, we must act and not let the Republican Congress and the office of the Authoritarian wreak havoc on our country. Keep in mind and say out loud that the Authoritarian LOST by 3 million votes no mandate. And watch out for the weasel who heads the House and his cousin in the Senate. They are not to be trusted.
One way to fight against this troika is to support some of the many organizations that have done the work to assemble strong oppositions to the Congress and the Authoritarian.
This is a sticker I got from BoldProgressives, a grass-roots organization fighting for our rights.