Written by Jack Hassard

On May 26, 2005

For the past four years, America has faced a clear and present danger.  It seems as if every day, Trump said or did something that sends you running for cover.  Even after he was defeated by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Donald Trump has done nothing to help the incoming new administration assume the responsibilities of governing the nation.

His doing nothing includes ignoring the fact that the world is in the midst of an unabated virus that has killed millions around the world.  During this time, he acted dangerously, and refused to accept the fact that he lost the election.  For weeks he tried to get several states to change or refuse to finalize their election results.  But he went too far.  More than a 100 U.S. companies told the White House to begin the transition of power to Joe Biden.  Former security officials wrote that his actions are putting America’s national security at risk.

This ebook is a collection of posts that I wrote on my weblog during the time that Trump was in office.  Writing about Trump began before he was elected.  I continued to write throughout his presidency about how he was putting the country at risk in many areas of our lives.  I’ve organized these posts into several groupings as follows that I hope capture the extent and range of this man’s incompetence.

  • Authoritarianism
  • A Clear and Present Danger
  • The Mueller Russian Interference Investigation
  • Impeachment
  • COVID-19
  • School
  • Alternative Facts
  • Mental Health and Medicine
  • Racism
  • Climate Science
  • Science Denialism

Trump lives in his own reality of conspiracy theories.  He uses these conspiracy theories to bolster his base of followers.  However, because of his inability to confront the truth of any experience or event, he makes up his own facts.  This is not a game.  News outlets have tracked the number of his lies, misrepresentations, and factual errors.  The number is well over 20,000.  It’s unimaginable that anyone would lie this much, but some psychologists have suggested that he is a disturbed individual who has assumed a position as the most powerful person on the planet.  He presents a profound danger to the world. Until he is completely removed from the White House, we’ll have to hold our breadth.

Trump tried to establish himself as the supreme head of the American state and he carried out policies and behaviors characteristic of rule by an authoritarian, despotic, dictator.  I know these are harsh words.  But as president, these stick to him like any other tyrant in history.

There are many problems that humanity faces at this time in history.  Climate change and COVID-19 are the most serious.  But there are other issues and problems that are related and should not be ignored.  Trump has brought hate into the world of politics that has divided the nation even further.  His and his sycophants are masters at lying and inventing alternative facts.

But beneath this, is his disdain for knowledge and truth, and as a result they deny the scientific evidence that can be brought on any of these problems.  Trump does not accept the science of climate change.  He challenges physicians and specialists about the coronavirus, which has led to the worst health crisis in the country. This has led to a serious undermining of the value of knowledge, and the value of education.  He tore apart the Environmental Protection Agency.  Trump put a person in charge of education who does not support public schools.  The Justice Department, and the Department of State have been weakened. Each department is in worse condition than it was four years ago.

My hope us that our country will be very different with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as head of a new leadership team.  Democracy may have a chance again.  Our country will be very different. We need to bring COVID-19 under control and make sure that everyone is protected with a universal health care system.  Trump is a racist president through his words and deeds.  Our country needs to face up to the facts of our racist past.

The way in which Trump and his Republican cronies attacked the election system in the country comes out of Trump’s racist views.  Claiming that large American cities’ elections were full with fraud is based on racism. Questioning the voters who live in American cities is nothing more than disenfranchising them..  Even after dozens of attempts asking the courts to block votes, the Trump hucksters were turned away at every turn.  This is a serious problem.  It puts our elections in a precarious situation.  Future elections are at risk and votes will be challenged.

As I point out in this ebook, a Second Blue Wave was the storm that washed Trump out of the White House.  And the second blue wave was the result of how people decided to vote.  It’s a good feeling knowing that Trump will no longer be in the White House.  But at the same time, we need to turn our attention to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and give them all the support we can muster.

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