Humanitarian Assistance for Haiti

Written by Jack Hassard

On January 23, 2010

The United Nations initiated a “flash appeal” for assistance after the devastation earthquake in Haiti.  As the map below shows, the earthquake intensity, based on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (a measure of the violence of earth motion).  Here is a map from USAID which shows the earthquake intensity from the epicenter out to surrounding areas of the country.  The fact that such extreme, violent, and severe intensity was experienced by so many people has resulted in the worst disaster in the Western Hemisphere in recorded history.

United States Agency for International Development Earthquake-Intensity Map

The United Nations, individual nations, and relief and charity organizations mobilized immediately after the earthquake.  The United Nations implemented a flash appeal for resources and money as shown in the chart below.  The initial appeal amounted to about $575 million, and as can be seen in the chart, many organizations and countries have responded to the appeal.  Assistance has also extended beyond this initial flash appeal to individual organizations, and last night’s Hope for Haiti Now Telethon which raised more than $57 million in the USA, and $16 million in Canada.

United Nations Flash Appeal Snapshot

As we listen to people who are on the ground helping the Haitian people, and working with their respective organizations to build an infrastructure that will bring food, shelter and medical care to the people who have been hurt by this earthquake.

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