Get the Facts About The Coronavirus

Written by Jack Hassard

On February 27, 2020

We need to get the facts straight about the coronavirus outbreak. Don Peck, a good friend of mine sent a video by Dr. Peter Lin, a family physician in Toronto, Canada. As Don said, “this is the best information I’ve seen.” And I agree and want to share it here.

I tracked the video to YouTube. It’s the one I’m presenting here.

The video was produced by CBC News in Canada. The video is very clear and understandable. Dr. Lin presents information that is factual, and provides the highlights about what is known about the coronavirus. He explains what the virus is, where it came from, how it infects humans, & how it spreads. Finally, he talks about what we can to protect ourselves.

This video highlights key facts about the coronavirus.

More about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Atlantic reports that the new virus illness is spreading around the world has a fatality rate of roughly 2 percent. That could be one of its most dangerous features, James Hamblin points out in this clarifying story.

The Atlantic also says that world governments are deploying their own methods of disease control. This could be a problem. Democratic norms usually mean transparency and collaboration. Authoritarian governments not so much.

The United States is a democracy. However, the President and Vice-President have a history of supreme science denialism. Further, the President doesn’t read, and has trouble listening to experts talk about science or any other subject.

The American people should not listen to the President. Or if they hear him say anything about the coronavirus outbreak, know that he is making it up, and much of it is not true. He thinks that this disease is no different than the flu. If you watch the video below, you’ll see that these diseases are very different.

Fortunately, the Centers for Disease Control have not hesitated telling the truth about the coronavirus outbreak, and should be a go-to source for information. This link will take you to the CDC’s page on the coronavirus (COVID-19).

I hope this post has provided you with facts about the coronavirus.

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  1. COVID-19 Resource List | The Art of Teaching Science - […] important to get the facts straight on is pandemic. At this stage of this pandemic, its uncertainty about the…

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