Free and Fair Elections? Not so Much in Georgia

Written by Jack Hassard

On August 3, 2024

Unmasking Voter Suppression in Georgia

The Fight for Fair Voting Rights

Explore the historical and ongoing efforts to disenfranchise voters in Georgia, and learn how you can stand up for democracy. The link “Learn More” takes you to a blog post by Thom Hartman, a prolific author thinking about democracy and the need to be vigilant against people who want to remove your right to vote.  Hartman writes: Republicans in Georgia have been champions at pioneering new ways to disenfranchise Democratic voters. Their latest scam is breathtaking. Find out by clicking on Learn More.

The Ongoing Battle Against Voter Suppression in Georgia

Historical Context

Discover the insidious tactics of Black voter suppression throughout history, from Jim Crow laws to modern-day strategies like those employed by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. Uncover how these efforts have targeted marginalized communities and learn how you can fight back for democracy.

Modern-Day Challenges

In late July 2024, Georgia rolled out a new website titled Georgia Voter Cancellation Portal. It allows people to let the state know they’ve moved (or their relative has died) and cancel their voter registration online. Go to this link to see how easy it is to cancel a registration.  Caution: you need a name, date of birth, & social security number. 

Community Impact

See how these measures disproportionately affect Black communities in Georgia.  A study by the Brennan Center for Justice provides evidence that changes in voting rules have disproportionately affected Americans of Color. 

Stand Up for Voting Rights

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