Educating for Blacklives: Readings and Resources for Antiracist Education, Routledge

Written by Jack Hassard

On August 24, 2020

Taylor & Francis announced that it has developed an online resource called Educating for BlackLives. The website includes four set of resources:

The following is from the home page of the Routledge website.

With Educating for Black Lives, Routledge Education reaffirms its longstanding commitment to social justice and racial equality at this critical moment in history. Created in collaboration with authors, this site makes freely available some of our most powerful and pertinent material—alongside newly written introductions to many readings—as well as a curated collection of additional resources. Intended to support educators across contexts—classrooms, communities, homes, workshops, and more—we present this website as an offering to those newly or perennially engaged in this important work. We are proud to be working with the authors featured in this collection.

Home: Educating for Black Lives. (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2020, from

black lives

The resources are abundant and I was struck that that you could read at least one chapter from every book listed on the website. The screen shot below is an example of how the resources are presented, and beneath the image of the text, and indication of the free chapter. (Full disclosure: I am co-author of The Art of Teaching Science, 2nd Edition, Routledge.

black lives
Educating for Black Lives. (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2020, from

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