Science Teaching eBooks from the Art of Teaching Science Are Coming Soon

Written by Jack Hassard

On September 3, 2011

Special Announcement - Hand Drawn BlueScience Teaching eBooks, based on articles and posts in The Art of Teaching Science will be available soon on this blog.

From “Is it Pedagogy or Petrology: How To Teach Science Real Good“, to “Why do we teach science, anyway?” these eBooks will explore topics that have rated high on the blog, and have shown reader interest.

Look for the first of the eBooks in the days ahead.

In the meantime, peruse through the categories listed in the heading, select one that interests you, and browse through the posts on the topic. Or better still, select a topic of your choice, and type it into the search block at the top of this page.
So that you don’t miss the announcement of the first, and subsequent Science Teaching eBooks,

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Finally, are there any topics in this blog that you would like to see turned into a Science Teaching eBook? Write your suggestions in the comments block just below. Readers will be most appreciative.

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