Criminal Activity in Trump Tower Leads to a Conviction in a Manhattan Courthouse

Written by Jack Hassard

On June 2, 2024
Democracy .. challenge (1936) politics

Former President Donald Trump has been convicted in a Manhattan court of multiple felony charges related to his role in the “hush money” payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels. The high-profile trial, which captivated the nation, has resulted in a guilty verdict that will forever tarnish Trump’s legacy and have significant implications for his political future. The trial, The People of the State of New York against Donald J. Trump, concluded on M

ay 30. Trump was indicted in March 2023 by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a Democrat, on 34 charges each related to hush money payments. The indictment, which was signed off by a New York Grand Jury of New York citizens, alleged that Trump was part of an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election.

The charges stem from Trump’s alleged involvement in orchestrating illegal payments to Daniels to suppress her story of an alleged affair with the former president. Prosecutors argued that these payments constituted unlawful campaign finance violations, as they were intended to influence the 2016 presidential election. After carefully weighing the evidence presented, the jury has determined that Trump is indeed culpable for these crimes.

This verdict is a resounding rebuke of Trump’s long-standing use of wealth and influence to evade accountability. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office has proven that the former president used a calculated scheme to circumvent campaign finance laws and cover up his indiscretions. This conviction is a stark reminder that no one, not even a former president, is above the law.

The implications of this verdict are far-reaching. Trump now faces the prospect of substantial fines, community service, and potentially even jail time, further tarnishing his legacy and casting a dark cloud over his political aspirations. Moreover, this conviction could pave the way for additional legal challenges and investigations into Trump’s past conduct, potentially unearthing more evidence of wrongdoing. Remember, Trump is facing three additional criminal trials.

As the nation grapples with the aftermath of this historic trial, it is clear that the rule of law has prevailed and that the American people have been served justice. This verdict sends a powerful message that no one, regardless of their position or influence, is immune from the consequences of their actions.

Questioning the Verdict

The leading voice in questioning the verdict in the Hush Money case is, of course, Donald J. Trump. But, President Joe Biden says that Trump’s questioning of the guilty verdict is “dangerous and irresponsible.” Trump has called his trial “rigged.” But Trump has said that about many judicial actions that he doesn’t agree with. It sends the message to his cult, that they should also fall in line and support his claim. This is dangerous because it undermines the rule of law, one of basic principles upon which a democracy rests.

The Trump Cult

Trump is a delusional monster, a perpetual liar, and a violent, narcissistic individual. His dysfunctional personality has infected millions of others and has created a nationwide devotion to his cult. Almost half our nation believes his deceitfulness. These people – mostly Republicans – are delusional and unaware that their loyalty to Trump is destroying our government.

Elizabeth Graham, author of Democracy to Democrazy: A Warning to All Americans.

The Republican Party has become increasingly beholden to the influence of former President Donald Trump, with many party members displaying unwavering loyalty to him despite his divisive rhetoric and controversial actions. This dynamic has led to the perception of the GOP as a “Trump cult,” where dissent or criticism of the former president is often met with swift backlash from party loyalists.

Figure 1. An American Strongman & His Cult

The Republican establishment’s defense of Trump, even in the face of mounting evidence of his wrongdoing, has fueled concerns about the party’s commitment to democratic principles and the rule of law. Trump’s continued grip on the party’s base has made it difficult for Republican leaders to distance themselves from his divisive brand of politics, as they risk alienating a significant portion of their voter base.

Following their leader, who claims the trial was rigged, Republican cultist rose up and stood in line to echo similar sounds: Trump’s a political prisoner, this was a kangaroo court, its a step toward tryranny, they’ve opened a pandora’s box, crooked judge, and on and on.

Is Trump a Political Prisoner—Nyet

Many in the Republican party use Trump’s “I’m a political prisoner” grift as a bench mark to fight the results of the Hush Money trial. According to many legal experts, there is no evidence that Trump’s case was unfair, or he was being held without due process. This a common experience for political prisoners. But Trump isn’t a PP. I thought about people around the world who were held in jail without due process, and were unfairly jailed, some for decades. Look ahead and you see a list of actual people who persecuted.

Donald Trump is not a political prisoner. He actually is a “Stongman” or dictator-autocrat according to Dr. Ruth Ben-Ghiat. Trump is one of the protagonists that Dr. Ben-Ghiat writes about in her book, Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present.

If you look over the list from her book, you can see that she associates Trump with some very bad actors. Journalists have often associated some of Trump’s statements and threats that Hitler would say.

Remember that Trump sided with Putin when Putin was asked if he interfered in the 2016 American election. Putin said no. Trump agreed with him, even though the U.S. intelligence Community provided evidence that Putin was involved. Trump also cozied up to Erdogan, Modi, and Orban.

Here are some examples of what I mean by political prisoner listed alongside a list of Strongmen in Ben-Ghiat’s book. (source of political prisoners: Time Magazine.).

  • STRONGMEN: Dictator-Autocrat
  • Edi Amin
  • Mohamed Siad Barre
  • Silvio Berlusconi
  • Jair Bolsonaro
  • Rodrigo Duterte
  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • Franciso Franco Bahamonde
  • Muammar Gaddafi
  • Adolph Hitler
  • Narendra Modi
  • Benito Mussolini
  • Viktor Orban
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Mobutu Sese Seko
  • Donald J. Trump

Figure 2. Political Prisoner as opposed to Strongmen

The GOP’s embrace of Trump’s populist, nationalist and fascist agenda has led to a removal of traditional conservative values, with some party members prioritizing loyalty to the former president over the party’s core principles. Loyalty to “dear leader.”

The Republican Party has navigated this complex political landscape, the question remains whether it can break free from the “Trump cult” and reclaim its identity as a principled, forward-looking political force or continue to be dominated by the former president’s influence and the loyalty of his most ardent supporters. After the verdict was announced, MAGA talking heads went crazy. There is a powerful push to undermine not just the outcome of ghe trial, but entire judicial system, including legal process used manage criminal proceedings, but the people who the professionals who are doing their job.

A Watershed Moment for American Democracy: Restoring Faith in the Rule of Law

The conviction and sentencing of former President Donald Trump marks a watershed moment for American democracy. This historic ruling sends a clear meclearly conveyst even the most powerful individual, is above the law. By holding Trump accountable for his blatant disregard for the rule of law, the justice system has taken a crucial step in restoring public faith in the integrity of the democratic process.

The extensive evidence of Trump’s corruption and abuse of power has been laid bare for all to see. This verdict underscores the fundamental principle that all citizens, regardless of their  must answer for their misdeeds regardless of their status or position can take solace in the fact that the scales of justice have been balanced, and that the foundations of democracy have been reinforced.

This moment serves as a stark reminder that the rule of law is the bedrock upon which a healthy democracy rests. By upholding this principle, the courts have reaffirmed the cherished ideals of equality, accountability, and the peaceful transfer of power. As the nation moves forward, this landmark decision will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications, perhaps paving the way for a renewed era of trust and faith in the institutions that safeguard the democratic way of life.

Conclusion: A Cautionary Tale for Future Demagogues – The Price of Unchecked Power

The actions of Trump, the demagogue, in this cautionary tale serve as a stark warning for those seeking to amass unchecked power. Though they may achieve momentary triumph through manipulation and division, true and lasting leadership can only be built upon a foundation of integrity, empathy, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of all.

As we look to the future, let this story remind us that the allure of absolute authority is a siren’s song, leading only to the shoals of ruin. True leaders must be willing to be held accountable, to listen to dissenting voices, and to place the needs of the many above their own singular ambitions. Trump is not a true leader, and he should not be in the White House ever again.

Only then can we forge a path toward a future of justice, prosperity, and peace – not through the brute force of tyranny but through the power of principled, servant leadership. The choice is ours to make. Which road will we choose?

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